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Meditaton Techniques – An Easy Way to Release Stress

Vlad Moskovski
©Yoga People, LLC 2017

Allison at Yandara Yoga Institute Moving Meditation

How do you get ready for meditation? What are the steps necessary to get into the proper mind set and how do you release stress from your busy day? You want the body to be so relaxed and comfortable that you can forget all about it. The mind should be alert, focused, and present in the moment. Here is a great stress management exercise that can be done anywhere. Its quick and very effective. This technique is also extremely beneficial for people that can’t fall asleep and have restless body syndrome.

Laying on your back, begin to do a mental scan of your whole body. Start at your toes and work your way up the front side of your body and down your back. Once you have identified the muscles and places where you feel the most tension, it is time for the full body contraction.

Taking a deep breath in, contract all of the muscles you have just scanned. Systematically from your toes all the way up to your neck. At this point, you should be squeezing everything so hard that your legs are off the ground a bit, your head is off the ground, and your face is all squeezed up like a dried up prune. Holding this for one or two breaths, release everything with a big AAAHHHHHHH breath out. Taking another deep and slow breath here relax everything even deeper. You can imagine your whole body relaxing and sinking into the floor. Warning, please don’t overdo this and remember that the point is not to punish your muscles but to help them go from one extreme to the other.

Now, do another body scan and compare how you feel. If there is still some tension in your body you can work withyour mind to breath soothing light and warmth into those places to relax them even further. You may experience a deep feeling of comfort, softness, or heaviness sometimes accompanied by a warm sinking feeling – like your body is about to liquidize and merge with whatever you are laying on.

At this point, you are ready for meditation, relaxation, an out of body experience, or sleep. Enjoy the journey!

Many thanks to author and friend to Yoga.com Vlad Moskovski who is a yoga practioner and meditator. Vlad Moskovski was born in Russia and at a young age moved with first to Israel and then to the United States. Intrigued by yoga from a young ago, Vlad began his studies of yoga while attending Rutgers University in NJ. During that time, he began exploring additional meditative traditions and working with Zen, Taoist and Tai Chi practitioners. A graduate of the NLP Center of NY, he writes and teaches about meditation. His website is http://www.meditationsecretsrevealed.com/ and he has written a book, Road to Involution.. His belief is that we can change the world around us and effect others in a profoundly deep way, spreading love, compassion, understanding, and mutual respect to all living beings.

Copyright 2009 Vlad Moskovski

All rights reserved by author