feeling after bikram.
Posted 2009-08-22 10:59 PM (#117875)
Subject: feeling after bikram.

hello everybody. i have been doing bikram for twice a week, for nearly past 3 months (i know i should at least be doing 3-4 times a week given that im new but oh wells) and i have to say, it has done a lot improving my lower back pain (never exercised, only exercise i got was when it came to physical tests in high school) and overall health and physique. changed to doing bikram because of lower back problem as well and has found that it has never came back since. im not sure about how bikram impacted my life though, but overall, i do say it does help me to be a little more positive about everything through perseverance.

however, i would just like to clarify certain things. while i do know that it is normal to feel sore after every bikram class, i do find myself nowadays that i am no longer feeling as sore as i used to when i first started out. hence, Q1: could it be that my hamstrings have opened up fairly much (though still not as flexible to the point my face could be just above my feet)

i just went for a class yesterday and today i woke up feeling i dont know if you would call in TIGHTNESS OR SORE in the trapezius muscles, biceps and tripceps, and i could feel it in my neck as well. hence, Q2: did i do something wrong? never had this feeling TIGHTNESS OR SORENESS. what is it? SORENESS / STRAIN / TIGHTNESS? grrrrr!

Q3: how can i improve my backbend? it hurts so bad, and i usually gagg. the throat seems to be constricted at times man!!!!

thanks for helping me to answer all these questions! thank you thank you!
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