Posted 2009-08-10 7:34 AM (#117541)
Subject: uttanasana

Hi everybody,

I was wondering, why is it important to have both legs straight and a straight back while coming up from uttanasana to tadasana with both hands on the waists...

isnt easier on the lumbar to bend our knees and either slowly come up- vertebra by vertebra- Or come up with a straight back but supporting our arms on our thighs???

Please let me know what you think.


All the best,

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Posted 2009-08-10 2:12 PM (#117552 - in reply to #117541)
Subject: Re: uttanasana

isn't coming up with straight back supporting arms on thighs pretty much the same thing as coming up with straight back hands on waist?
i'd say it is easier to come up bent knees, vertebra by vertebra, but ultimately will put more strain on the lumbar.
when you find the proper actions in the thighs and abdomen, straight legs and back feels right and the other way seems silly.
how long have you been practicing?
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Posted 2009-09-25 5:59 PM (#118655 - in reply to #117541)
Subject: Re: uttanasana

Extreme Veteran

Posts: 574
For a start if a back was straight you would have severe problems and probably wouldnt live much longer. Humans are designed to move. A back which is straight has such limited movement. Knees are in our legs to bend legs. Many people suffer back problems because they have lost the ability to bend the knees. So many people are so obsessed with lengthening their hamstrings they dont care about putting strain on the knees.

The best way to answer your question would be to observe how a healthy baby or young toddler (who are very flexible in mind/body do not suffer from back pain and are unspoilt from poor habits and poor yoga teachings) comes back up. They do not have a straight back,they dont think of stretching or engaging any bandhas or anything. The answer to your question is basically to go back to your roots and this will give you the truth as you know yourself better than any expert,yogi,doctor etc

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Posted 2014-01-20 11:14 PM (#211287 - in reply to #118655)
Subject: Re: uttanasana


Posts: 188
Location: Louisville, Kentucky,
vibes - 2009-09-25 5:59 PM

For a start if a back was straight you would have severe problems and probably wouldnt live much longer. Humans are designed to move. A back which is straight has such limited movement. Knees are in our legs to bend legs. Many people suffer back problems because they have lost the ability to bend the knees. So many people are so obsessed with lengthening their hamstrings they dont care about putting strain on the knees.

The best way to answer your question would be to observe how a healthy baby or young toddler (who are very flexible in mind/body do not suffer from back pain and are unspoilt from poor habits and poor yoga teachings) comes back up. They do not have a straight back,they dont think of stretching or engaging any bandhas or anything. The answer to your question is basically to go back to your roots and this will give you the truth as you know yourself better than any expert,yogi,doctor etc

Very well said buddy!
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