Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana
Posted 2008-01-29 4:11 PM (#102631)
Subject: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana is a level 3 pose in Iyengar Yoga. Urdhva Dhanurasana is a level 2.

My question is, if one cannot do a decent urdhva dhanurasana, can one still aspire to do, and practice, DPVD? Technically speaking I can sort of do UD but because of poor shoulder and back flexibility (I think) it's not very good. If I can put my hands on something about 12 inches off the floor, I can come up almost enough to almost straighten my elbows.

It looks, from the pictures, as if DPVD is a little easier (requires less of a backbend, maybe?) But then why is it a level 3? And back to my original question, should I give it a shot now or wait until I can do a better UD (i.e., hands on the floor, etc.)
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Posted 2008-01-29 5:35 PM (#102640 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasan

what syllabus are you working off of?

dwi pada viparita dandasana and urdhva dhanurasana are both on the introductory iyengar syllabus. however, this is only when performing them from the support of a chair.

performing dwi pada viparita dandasana supported by a chair is a preliminary stage to learning the more challenging backbends (urdhva dhanurasana, say), and is fairly accessible
if its too hard, just walk the feet up the wall a little bit.

performing the poses unsupported makes dwi pada viparita dandasana more challenging in my mind.

how does the position of dwi pada allow you to compensate for poor shoulder and back flexibility?
how does your body feel after coming out of these poses?

perhaps it is less strenuous as you have more support, but it is more demanding of intelligence in the upper portion of the spine.
urdhva dhanurasana gives you a little more leeway in terms of anatomical restrictions.
you do handstand before you do headstand, right?

dwi pada requires more refinement in action than urdhva dhanurasana.
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Posted 2008-01-29 5:38 PM (#102641 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasan

You are asking about this pose?

I don't think there's a one-size-fits-all answer here. However, it seems apparent that the opening built in Urdhva Dhanurasana would absolutely be necessary in Dwi Pad Viparita Dandasana. The support of DPVD and the specific demands it places on the spine are such that I would not take a student struggling in UD into that pose without some serious prop work first.

If the student does not have some sense of action (backbending) in the spine, is not very open in both the shoulders and the hips, and has not cultivated the proper foundations from Sirsasana (activating the seratus anterior) then is it really appropriate to take them beyond that into DPVD?

Could the student "work toward it", of course. But that work is the work mentioned in the paragraph above.
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Posted 2008-01-29 7:16 PM (#102644 - in reply to #102640)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasan

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
What dhan said - both poses are "officially" taught in the chair now. If you have a teacher trained some time ago, they may have you try full urdhva dhanusrasana before viparita dandasana. Teachers in training now and in the past few years have moved to the chair versions.
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Posted 2008-01-29 10:13 PM (#102653 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Dear KM: 1. About why level 2 or 3 of any pose, you have to ask this question to the exact person who made that distinction or choice? Or, you have to refer to a source that describes WHY That distinction is made. Otherwise, you will never get the real answer to your question.

2. If you find UD to be easier than DPVD, then that can be true. And, at least you will be one exception to the level 2/3 rule. And, therefore, there shall be many that way. So, do nto worry about level numbers.

3. But, it will be much easier to talk further if you post exactly your own UD, and DPVD pictures just like the one posted by dear Purna.

4. As for my personal opinion, there is NO rule about which should be done earlier. It depends on one's own body and intentions. But, that does not mean level 2/3 rule is ridiculous. But, that also does not mean what you stated in your post is ridulous.

Best Luck

karmann - 2008-01-29 4:11 PM

Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana is a level 3 pose in Iyengar Yoga. Urdhva Dhanurasana is a level 2.

My question is, if one cannot do a decent urdhva dhanurasana, can one still aspire to do, and practice, DPVD? Technically speaking I can sort of do UD but because of poor shoulder and back flexibility (I think) it's not very good. If I can put my hands on something about 12 inches off the floor, I can come up almost enough to almost straighten my elbows.

It looks, from the pictures, as if DPVD is a little easier (requires less of a backbend, maybe?) But then why is it a level 3? And back to my original question, should I give it a shot now or wait until I can do a better UD (i.e., hands on the floor, etc.)
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Posted 2008-01-30 1:23 AM (#102658 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

it'd be rad to drop back to dwi pada viparita dandasana.
you know from standing!
then it would rad to have a friend on hand to drop you into the back
of an ambulance...
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Posted 2008-01-30 7:41 AM (#102661 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Hey karmann: The purpose of posting pictures in your case is show the difference and suppliment your question. It is not for demoing others or to teach others. Therefore, being pretty is NOT necessary. And, you should not avoid it because it shall look pretty, if you want your question to be complete. Also, you can email me privately your pics so I can state my view, if you choose to do so.

karmann - 2008-01-30 7:24 AM
Neel, yikes, post my own UD. I did that once before. It ain't pretty, mate.
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Posted 2008-01-30 9:45 AM (#102666 - in reply to #102661)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

Hurray: I thought you were interested in comparing UD and DPVD.

I am happy with whatever you do, including Chair.

R U from Australasia?

karmann - 2008-01-30 8:14 AM

Hey Neel,

I think you're taking my dry comment a little too literally. (I totally understand the idea behind posting pictures.) In other words, my UD is not great (yes, I know being great is not necessary) so I shall continue to practice that with the chair and props and as I stated in my last post, back off for now on my illusions of grandeur concerning the other. Thanks for your insights.

kulkarnn - 2008-01-30 7:41 AM

Hey karmann: The purpose of posting pictures in your case is show the difference and suppliment your question. It is not for demoing others or to teach others. Therefore, being pretty is NOT necessary. And, you should not avoid it because it shall look pretty, if you want your question to be complete. Also, you can email me privately your pics so I can state my view, if you choose to do so.

karmann - 2008-01-30 7:24 AM

Neel, yikes, post my own UD. I did that once before. It ain't pretty, mate.

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Posted 2008-01-30 10:25 AM (#102671 - in reply to #102658)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

You could probably go into it from forearm Scorpion...
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Posted 2008-01-30 10:34 AM (#102673 - in reply to #102671)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasan

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
karmann - huh - I didn't know that book referred to levels. Something new all the time. Anyway, yes, it is a progressive thing. BKS wants us to get people ready for these poses in a systematic way and being able to watch someone work in the chair really helps see if they understand the correct actions of the pose before going to the full pose. If I have a long standing Level II student, or one who is strong and flexible and ready to go up into UD, I will have them demo for the class. I have only seen full DPVD taught in Level IV. We mostly work in the chair. I love the chair versions as it means folks like me with tight shoulders can still work toward the full pose.
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Posted 2008-01-30 12:34 PM (#102677 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasan

even if a student has shown the capacity to perform both of those poses without a chair, there are still reasons to teach with the chair.
or practice with the chair.

of course as a student i have resisted these methods, thinking "i can just press up into the pose...why do i have to use the chair?"

anyways, i learned urdhva dhanurasana from the chair in an introductory level teacher training, and have not had it taught that way since.
maybe i'll do that one today.

Karmann-maybe check out those syllabi.
they're interesting.
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Posted 2008-01-30 8:13 PM (#102701 - in reply to #102677)
Subject: RE: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasan

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
I had forgotten about the little diamonds! I don't know if they correspond exactly to the syllabi. I'll have to take a little look at that....
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Posted 2009-02-24 5:39 PM (#113895 - in reply to #102631)
Subject: Re: Dvi Pada Viparita Dandasana

dwi pada vip dandasana taught in a chair (there are various levels and ways in the chair as well) prepares the student for many asana to come later.
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