anti mucus diet
Sati Suloshana
Posted 2007-09-24 12:40 PM (#96820)
Subject: anti mucus diet

Years ago I heard about mucus-producers - most especially dairy products. What are some other mucus producers which should be avoided to clear up an impacted sinus? What other dietary recommendations for this condition? Thanks.
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Posted 2007-09-24 1:37 PM (#96825 - in reply to #96820)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

To be Avoided: White Rice, White Sugar, Refined Bread, Refined Grains, Deep Fried Stuff.

To be Avoided: And, anything which stops mucus formation such as Honey, Ginger, Medicines (antimucus ones).

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Posted 2007-09-25 10:46 PM (#96933 - in reply to #96825)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

You may want to consider adding Isabgol to your diet. Here in America it is called "Metamucil". It's much cheaper in the Indian Market labeled Isabgol. I find the Indian market is much stronger and no additives are in it..which I like. It's known to remove mucus from the intestines and all kinds of good for you kinda things.

As for honey...I eat honey every single day, because I have bees and they make me lots of honey, Honey is good for resolving mucus conditions, but is better not to eat too many sweet for sugary things...this is a totally different matter than "sweet" honey.

In replacement of dairy products...I drink soy milk...Pacific brand is my favorite brand. Milk is something that I drink every once in a while. I like natural organic milk, it's best. I use it when I'm really dry as it helps relieve dryness. But, in very small quantities.

Edited by Cyndi 2007-09-25 10:49 PM
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Posted 2007-09-25 11:01 PM (#96936 - in reply to #96820)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

Dear CB:
Isabgoal is a laxative and that is why it gets rid of intestinal things including mucus. In short time, it makes you addicted to isabgoal, thus leading to chronic constipation.

I myself like honey from CB. I eat it for fun. Yes, Honey is anti mucus, and so are ginger, etc. And, all antimucus things are bad in terms of mucus. They disable bodies own antimucus mechanism. The real antimucus thing is: To avoid mucus creation, not create and then clean up.

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Posted 2007-09-26 9:25 AM (#96953 - in reply to #96936)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
I've never had that experience with Isabgol. I've been using it for years. I KNOW I am not addicted to it, because I only use it when I need it, for very short periods. It's not my first choice of remedy, but Satyam sure does like to use it. Doctors prescribe it not just for a laxative, but for regularity and adding bulk to the system. There are numerous studies, Ayurvedic and Western, about this. Anyway, the original poster was looking for mucus related things and this was a suggestion for a short term solution.

I agree that you resolve your mucus by eating the correct diet. Since we do not live in a perfect world, our bodies do get out of balance from time to time, in which we need a little bit of assistance, stronger than ourselves. Personally, I would rather take a Traditional Chinese Medicine approach to healing my body and resolving issues. Isabgol is a standard malady for most of these kinds of issues.
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Posted 2007-09-27 8:43 AM (#97058 - in reply to #96820)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

Dear CB: I have no problems with your resolving issue using whatever natural methods. I am not stating what the person should or must do. I am only stating what a laxative does. Also, what I am stating is 'generalized average truth'. It does not apply to particular case, because of other factors. Let me give an example:

- a person who takes one cup of coffee a day or at one particular time, and feels out of balance

- another person takes 2 cups of coffee at ta time 4 times a day, and feels perfectly fine.

But, the fact is that 'coffee is always bad for health'. It does not show on the second person due to other things he may be doing compared to the first person: for example: lack of stress, better quality of other food, happiness of mind, exercise, good air, etc.

Did not you read in my book, that many times: A person with worse diet has better health than one with good diet or even ideal diet? This is because Health depends on many a factors.

Isabgoal was formed in Ayurveda to help as laxative because: it has undigestible fibre which irritates the lining of the intestines causing above average peristaltic movement which gets rid of constipated material giving a relief. The same effect can be achieved by Ginger, Hot Tea, Grapes+Milk, Castor Oil, etc. etc.

All the above items are not good for health, but they are used as remedies.

NOTE: I myself drink two cups of coffee. But, I know it is not good for health as a general truth.
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Posted 2007-10-17 7:51 AM (#98036 - in reply to #96820)
Subject: Try to pacify anxiety

The main reason for mucus could be anxiety.. you should consider working on it
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Posted 2007-10-17 1:03 PM (#98063 - in reply to #96820)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

re: the exchange between Neel and Cyndi >>
you can get psyllium seed husks in the bulk section at your local health food store should you opt to "move" in that direction.
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Posted 2007-10-17 4:11 PM (#98081 - in reply to #98063)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

Bulk section! That is interesting. Hope it is inexpensive. As for me, I do not subscribe to eating any husk directly, but as a part of food. Thus, I do not wish to tuch the rice bran away from the rice grain.

purnayoga - 2007-10-17 1:03 PM

re: the exchange between Neel and Cyndi >>
you can get psyllium seed husks in the bulk section at your local health food store should you opt to "move" in that direction.
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Posted 2007-10-17 7:45 PM (#98093 - in reply to #96820)
Subject: RE: anti mucus diet

nevermind, I reread the thread

Edited by tubeseeker 2007-10-17 7:47 PM
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