Hopefully off the plateau!
Posted 2007-04-02 9:29 PM (#82059)
Subject: Hopefully off the plateau!

Hey all... I am happy to report that I may have finally busted through the plateau I've been on for the better part of a year. I lost 6# this last month (5 weeks, really)! Woohoo!! My body finally gave in. I felt like it was holding at this weight (I hadn't been smaller than this in my adulthood). Anyhoo!! Just a little breakthrough to share!
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Posted 2007-04-02 9:56 PM (#82063 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!

One of my student who lives in Alexandria saw you and said, 'Hey Neel, that friend of yours is looking so beautiful now a days! She is really benefitting from your classes'. I told him she came just to give me the Ganesha Necklace. If she took my classes, Ganesha knows what will happen!!
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Posted 2007-04-02 10:37 PM (#82072 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!

That's sweet! I'm curious to know who this friend is..... ??
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belle vie
Posted 2007-04-03 9:51 AM (#82114 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!


Posts: 168
Hi, I'm new here so I guess I missed something. What did you do to get off the plateau ?
I'm all eyes and ears because I seem to have plateaud several months ago and cannot seem to loose any more weight--just 2 more kilos please.

I'm already into mostly eating veggies and fruits, do not like sugar anyway and have all but cut out salt. I eat very little red meat , more fish and chicken . I love my regime and do not know how to cut down further. I swim, do yoga and pilates. I'm trying to upgrade the exercises to get rid of the tummy flab. Just two more kilos please, all off the tummy would be paradise. I know, I'm a dreamer.
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Posted 2007-04-04 9:34 AM (#82261 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!

I just re-evaluated what I was eating. I work with a nutritionist and have a food plan that I follow- basically, the food plan tells me what, how much to eat, and when. Which is great... except when I inadvertently eat too much fat in my plan. For instance, I was using nuts 2-3 times per day... about 1 1/2oz nuts... well, that's great except it's almost 40grams of fat just in nuts. I just cut my proteins back to leaner proteins (in fact, I'm eating vegetarian right now... for about 3 weeks), etc.
Good luck! I can't wait to be 2 kilos within my goal weight! I still have about 25-30lbs left to go.
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Posted 2007-04-04 1:05 PM (#82306 - in reply to #82114)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!

belle vie - 2007-04-03 9:51 AM

Hi, I'm new here so I guess I missed something. What did you do to get off the plateau ?
I'm all eyes and ears because I seem to have plateaud several months ago and cannot seem to loose any more weight--just 2 more kilos please.

I'm already into mostly eating veggies and fruits, do not like sugar anyway and have all but cut out salt. I eat very little red meat , more fish and chicken . I love my regime and do not know how to cut down further. I swim, do yoga and pilates. I'm trying to upgrade the exercises to get rid of the tummy flab. Just two more kilos please, all off the tummy would be paradise. I know, I'm a dreamer.

I know what has worked for me (too often; I have yoyo'ed over the years) is High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. If you Google HIIT, you will get all kinds of info on it. The bottom line on it is that you burn more fat than with standard cardio. The studies I have seen on it look very legitimate. According to one account, it was not "invented" by anyone trying to find a new fitness fad or fat burning technique, but rather by track coaches. Supposedly the metabolic change was an unexpected side effect. Add swimming or Pilates (I notice you do both) to your HIIT search and you will find that those are commonly used for HIIT.
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belle vie
Posted 2007-04-04 1:24 PM (#82312 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!


Posts: 168
Thank-you Optimystic I checked google briefly and it looks interesting-- no time right now to go further but tomorow I'll give it a good look.. Any other suggestions? I ,too , see sawed for years but now have kept my weight down for five years and changed my exercise and eating habits ,I hope , forever. We can all dream .

I'll get back to you for advice Thanks a lot
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belle vie
Posted 2007-04-12 6:39 AM (#83096 - in reply to #82312)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!


Posts: 168
Hello again to all and thank-you OptiMystic. I'm trying the HIIT when I swim-- 50 metres as fast as I can , then rest for 1 minute do it again six more times resting for one minute each time . Boy do I look silly, no new olympic records there, but I can see already that it is starting to kick my metabolism up a bit and my tummy roll down a bit I'd like to keep it up. The pool is only available twice a week so I do pilates and some yoga the other days.

But I do wonder with HIIT, if the sudden added stress on the heart is good for you. I haven't checked my heart rate yet but, I wonder if I am going over the 70-80% of my maximum cardiac rate. That would not be very healthy . I feel fine when I finish HIIT, not exhausted or anything, in fact I swim for another 45 minutes at my normal rate.

Hope to hear some good ideas!
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Posted 2007-04-12 6:51 AM (#83097 - in reply to #82306)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!

OptiMystic, it's so funny, because you keep coming up with the same advice I give my clients all the time. I'm a certified personal trainer, and high intensity interval training (never saw that acronym before though) is a commonly known method of inducing weight loss when you get to that plateau. Thing is, you don't need to be at a plateau to exercise that way all the time. It's a tougher workout, for sure, than steady state cardio, which is why most people, unless they are under the guidance of a trainer or attend interval training classes, don't push themselves enough to keep that higher heart rate when switching to the strength segment of the workout. Even with my clients, when I try to have them do this sort of workout on any given day, they want to rest after the cardio part. I keep telling them the workout won't be as effective, but they complain they're too tired!

Anyway, thanks for the reminder of this really great way to exercise, and keep up the good work!

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belle vie
Posted 2007-04-12 11:37 AM (#83130 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!


Posts: 168
Hello again to all and BRAVO to joscmt for staying with your regime for how long? even through the worst. A plateau is so discouraging but you hung in there. Nuts (the kind you eat) are a killer for me particularly the salted ones, I love them. I know, they are good for you--without salt-- but I cannot allow them in my house or I'll eat them instantly. Keep at it and do not get discouraged if you plateau with only 2 kilos to go

Orangemat raised a lot more questions for me about HIIT. I cannot come to NJ, I live outside the US and it is hard to find a PT here, so if I could pick your brain with one question. After I swim HIIT for my 7x50mts do I keep at the same cardiac rate for the rest of the swim? That does not seem possible. I'm terribly lazy and hate to put out all that HIIT effort for the 7 series if there are no results unless I maintain the heart rate.

I quess you'll have to explain in words of one syllable or less
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Posted 2007-04-12 12:12 PM (#83136 - in reply to #83130)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!

Hi belle vie -- don't know about keeping it to words of one syllable or less (what would be less? grunting?), but I'll try to answer your question. But let me start by asking you a question: what do you do in that one minute in between your sets of high intensity cardio activity? Just tread water and let your heart rate come down? Because if that's the case, that's fine, though what I advise my clients who really want to jump start their metabolism into burning more fat is to use that "resting" period for some strength work. Anything weight bearing is good, such as using dumbbells to work a different body part each time, or even just body weight, such as working full-arm plank or forearm plank, isometrically challenging the core muscles. Actually, that's probably the best bet for you, considering you're using the arms and legs pretty actively already while swimming. Though getting out of the pool every couple of minutes to do your planks might look even odder to those at poolside!

Another question for you now: why do you continue to do that additional 45 minutes of swimming after the interval sets? That's what you were asking about originally, right? If you're supposed to keep the higher work rate for your steady state cardio. Well I just answered it, didn't I? The 45 minutes at your regular pace is a steady state cardio workout, usually at like 55-70% of max, a different sort of workout than the HIIT workout. So in essence, you'd be doing two types of workouts in one day, not necessary. Altenating the workouts on different days is a good idea, if you don't want to completely forgo your regular swimming (which you shouldn't). HIIT is in its own a workout, so you should view it like that. If you finish it too quickly for your taste, then either add more segments, or make the segments longer. Though I'd advise that if you make the segments longer, make the rest part be a strength interval as opposed to just rest. Or maybe even a combination of both: swim, 1 minute rest, 3-4 minutes strength, then back to swimming again (lather, rinse, repeat ). Play around with it, see what you like, and what works best for you. You're not going to do a workout that you hate, that's a no-brainer. That's why I don't swim, not for me.

Hope that helped a bit, and keep up the good work!

PS -- About the nuts, they're my downfall as well. What I do to try to curb my snacking is the rule of you're only allowed to eat a particular food once a day. So if you've had some nuts already by midmorning, that's it, no more again until tomorrow. I do that with the intention of forcing myself to plan out my eating, even the "bad" stuff. And that is the key to eating properly, isn't it? Mindful eating. Now if only I could stop myself from making the midmorning snack last until late afternoon....

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belle vie
Posted 2007-04-14 9:58 AM (#83344 - in reply to #82059)
Subject: RE: Hopefully off the plateau!


Posts: 168
Boy, what a relief. I was afraid I had to do HIIT everytime I went swimming plus the other 45 minutes. I did not really like doing it--its tough !! But now, I understand that I can alternate my standard hour swim with an HIIT swim or create varients. I Hope that's right. That being so,I really would not mind doing the HIIT. HIIT actually pumps me up and I use the other 45 minutes as a non cardio workout. I work on improving my stokes-enough of the beached whale flopping around- building stamina, stretching and speed. The pool has lots of toys (or instruments of torture, depending on your point of view) for strength building so I can throw some of that in too. I really love to swim. But you like nuts so we can still be friends You've been a great help

I find I use the vegetable market like a candy store, buying the fruits and veggies that make me salivate the most on any given day. Then I decide how to cook them, stir fry, raw, yogurt salads, steamed, soup, add some fish, tofu or chicken and away we go. Snacking for me is tied to boredom. You'd be surprised how a mouthful of pool water kills the appetite. If that does not work, I promise myself I can eat all the tomates I want. Thanks again
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