New Shoe Cushions Help
Posted 2006-10-11 12:06 PM (#66838)
Subject: New Shoe Cushions Help

It seems that the people making our shoes today are too cheap to put good shoe padding in them even though we are paying record prices for them. As a result many people like myself are ending up with heel problems. Mine started after I started walking and running for exercise. I tried Nike, New Balance, Easy Spirit and Reebox, you name it, but I still ended up with plantar fasciitis or heel spurs and had so much heel pain that I could not walk on my heels in the morning or after I would drive my car for a while. The heel pain was so excruciating that I could not even do simple things like walk through a mall or walk the dog. It got so bad that I could barely walk across my living room floor without getting on my tip toes.

Things were complicated because I am somewhat overweight. I tried many things until I found these $15.00 spongy shoe cushion inserts on the web at; I guess they call them “Heelbillys” because they don’t look like your typical orthotic, or shoe cushion. They are about 4 inches tall, but work better than any expensive orthotic or shoe cushion that I have ever had including custom made shoe cushions. My heel spur and pain is gone now from wearing these ‘Heelbilly” shoe cushions, but I still wear them in all my shoes including my house shoes and would not be without them because I don’t want the heel spur or plantar fasciitis to return. After all of the heel pain that I experienced,

I making this posting because I don’t want anyone to experience the heel pain from a heel spur that I experienced because of poorly cushioned shoes. I really want people to know that there is help for their poorly cushioned shoes and I think that if you don’t have heel pain or heel spurs, should do yourself a big favor by getting a pair of these “Heelbillys” and “putting them in your shoes for extra padding as a preventive measure, for preventing heel spurs, especially if you do a lot of walking or running. I have tried to get these shoe cushion inserts stores but have only found them on the web at;
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Posted 2006-10-13 8:05 AM (#67043 - in reply to #66838)
Subject: RE: New Shoe Cushions Help

what about cros? alot of us wear these about the hospital. very cushionning. just a thought. not trying to promote one over the other.
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