Ab Pain - Upper Right Quadrant
Posted 2006-09-08 9:20 PM (#64067)
Subject: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quadrant

Over the course of a month, I would get these attacks of pain - I would feel it in my right collarbone, back of the right shoulder, and upper right quadrant of the abdomen. It started out being minor, but then I would ge tthese hour-long attacks that were so bad that I couldn't move or breathe without severe stabbing pain. At first, I thought it might be due to pulling something either from running or overdoing a stretch in yoga (because I noticed these attacks following the day that I do both yoga and running and sometimes during running)...however, when I went to the doctor, he thought it was a gallbladder problem. He ordered a blood test (CBC and liver functioning), urine test (I guess for kidney functioning?) and an ultrasound and they all came back with no problems....however, in typical doctor fashion, he just had a nurse call and give me the results and they never suggested any reasons why I had the pain. I took a break from exercise and went on a broth, rice and jello diet for awhile (in case food was related to pain) and the pain attacks stopped (though I don't know if it would have stopped naturally if I ddn't make those changes). Now my eating and exercise routines are back to normal and I haven't had any pain for a few weeks. So my question....does anyone know whether it is possible for yoga or exercise injuries to bring on the type of pain that is only present sometimes, is stabbing and severe, and localized in several different areas? Or does it really sound like something is up with an organ?

Edited by ReneeB 2006-09-08 9:26 PM
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Posted 2006-09-09 10:02 PM (#64120 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quadrant

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Renee - I can't diagnose, of course, but I have heard of people losing weight having gall bladder problems. Keep an eye on it.
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Posted 2006-09-10 8:57 AM (#64139 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quad

I'm no doc either- but I looked up gallstones in Wikipedia,, check it out
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Posted 2006-09-27 3:19 PM (#65536 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quad

This sounds like a dietary issue.
How much water are you drinking, in what climate do you live, and how ald are you? I'm guessing from your screen name that you are female. If this is incorrect then let me know.

I'm curious what you eat, regularly, and in what combinations. Do you consume fruit after meals?
I'm also curious about your digestion overall.

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Posted 2006-09-27 10:55 PM (#65571 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quad

ReneeB - 2006-09-08 9:20 PM

Over the course of a month, I would get these attacks of pain - I would feel it in my right collarbone, back of the right shoulder, and upper right quadrant of the abdomen. It started out being minor, but then I would ge tthese hour-long attacks that were so bad that I couldn't move or breathe without severe stabbing pain. At first, I thought it might be due to pulling something either from running or overdoing a stretch in yoga (because I noticed these attacks following the day that I do both yoga and running and sometimes during running)...however, when I went to the doctor, he thought it was a gallbladder problem. He ordered a blood test (CBC and liver functioning), urine test (I guess for kidney functioning?) and an ultrasound and they all came back with no problems....however, in typical doctor fashion, he just had a nurse call and give me the results and they never suggested any reasons why I had the pain. I took a break from exercise and went on a broth, rice and jello diet for awhile (in case food was related to pain) and the pain attacks stopped (though I don't know if it would have stopped naturally if I ddn't make those changes). Now my eating and exercise routines are back to normal and I haven't had any pain for a few weeks. So my question....does anyone know whether it is possible for yoga or exercise injuries to bring on the type of pain that is only present sometimes, is stabbing and severe, and localized in several different areas? Or does it really sound like something is up with an organ?

Have you been to very experienced Yoga Teachers or very experienced natural nutritionists who actually do what they profess?
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Posted 2006-09-28 9:19 AM (#65597 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quad


I get these, my Dad gets these, it appears to be genetic in all of the medical studies.

make sure you get a b-complex with vitamin C in your diet.

B-vitamin seems to clear it right up.

Stress affects different people different ways, some of us just don't have thick skin and are very sensitive. That's just the way it is. Life moves at a break neck speed and we just have to let go and get off of the merry-go-round and cool it. You absolutely need to focus on breathing, and learn to let go of your body and let it breath, naturally.

Cheer up, learn to breath and be mindful of your breathing. Shallow breathing can bring on this kind of pain, try deeper relaxed body belly breathing when it starts [think about how a toddler breathes], and take your Vitamin B-complex!

Keep Practicing.
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Posted 2006-10-16 1:27 AM (#67245 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quad

Thanks for the thoughtful replies. To answer some questions, I am female, mid twenties, live in midwest US (in a rural town in the middle of nowhere where there do not seem to be any yoga teachers nearby who teach aspects of yoga besides the physical practice). I have always had a sensitive digestive system - before I cleaned up my eating and started exercise and yoga, I took antacids or other OTC stomach medications daily to stop queasy feelings. So I guess my digestive system probably is responsive to fat....on a low-fat diet these past couple months, I haven't been bothered, but the pain came back this past week once after I had a fattening meal and once when I was really stressed. I'm amazed at how much natural cures (eating right, physical activity, stess relief) help common ailments that doctors prescribe medicine for. Beofre lifestyle changes, I was taking migraine medications and my Dr. was recommending blood pressure meds (blood pressure readings at my age is ridiculous, I know!), but all it took was some easy lifestyle changes to get all that in control quickly. Anyway, I am thinking it probably is gallstones, but they are just too small to show up on ultrasounds, so I will continue to avoid the symptoms and just see a doctor again if the symptoms become harder to control.

(Answers to other questions: I drink a lot of water - more than the recommended 64 oz. a day. I typically eat a lean cuisine entree and salad for dinner, and maybe a banana later on....however, I think it might be when I change my eating when it occurs....I do track on a chart everything I had eaten before the pain occured)

Edited by ReneeB 2006-10-16 1:33 AM
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Posted 2006-10-16 3:38 PM (#67277 - in reply to #67245)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quad

Great to have more info. Thank you.
Perhaps finding some ways to steer clear of food in boxes would be helpful.
Your stomach issue is an interesting one. The stomach works in an acidic state. It is how it should be. When we have issues with our stomach it is usually becasue there is something in our life we are having trouble digesting.

That aside, acquire a list of foods that are alkaline (rather than acidic) and work toward a less acidic body (not a less acidic stomach, mind you). You might also consider doing some research on Yin foods and making a determination, from that list, as to which of them are calming for YOU.

I'm not sure about your assertion relative to fat. The body must have fat to survive. So if the fats you are eating ar raw almonds and avocados that's one thing. If they are chicken skin and ice cream it's of course another thing all together.

I do not advocate eating fruit after a meal. If you must eat fruit with a meal it's to be eaten first so it does not ferment in the stomach awaiting processing while your body churns away on the carbs and proteins before it.
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Posted 2007-08-18 11:08 AM (#94373 - in reply to #64067)
Subject: RE: Ab Pain - Upper Right Quadrant

I am also a female in my mid-twenties who is going through the same mystery ailment as Renee. I have intermittent and intense pain attacks in my upper abdomen (that can extend into my back) brought on by eating. The severity depends on what I eat and how much. My doctor ran tests on proper organ function (blood work) peptic ulcer (breath test), gallbadder disease, and pancreatitis (ultrasound). All of the tests have come back negative. The doctor recommended to start with a 'white' diet (rice, pasta, egg whites, boneless skinless chicken, etc) and slowly reintroduce veggies, fruit, fiber, and fat. I have noticed that my regular yoga classes seem to bring on the attacks (i.e. when I eat after yoga the pain is intense). I can't understand how a stress-reducer and overall healthy practice would bring upon this reaction? Hoping for some more guidance on this subject. Thanks and Namaste.
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