to many periods
Posted 2006-07-31 1:34 AM (#60451)
Subject: to many periods

well, i am worried. i have been having two peroids a month for a while now. some months i will only have one. but others ill have two week long periods. im 16, 5'10, 204. im working on losing the weight. will this help regulate my period? are there any postures that will help restore balance in my body? i have been very careless with my body and the result is back pain weight gain and clouded thinking. i am eaitn better and starting to lose some weight. i have been doing yoga for a while now, but just this past year i have been serious about it. any help would be great! thanks. also, i have a big frame, big bones ya know. what would be an ideal weight for me? i was thinkin 150, but im not sure.
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Posted 2006-07-31 7:45 AM (#60470 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

at 5'10'' with a large frame, i'd say 160 to 170 will probably be a good weight. but, different bodies are different. Weight loss may help your menstrual situation.

related to the menstruation issue, i highly recommend that you consider Fertility Awareness Method charting. it will take a few cycles to get a 'base line' of what's going on--to observe your various signs and symptoms--but you'll have a clearer picture of why your cycles are so unusual. I recommend the book Garden of Fertility to understand how to chart your cycles. (

although our cultural wisdom tells us to see a doctor right away, my concern with this is that a doctor will immediately try to put you on hormonal birth control. This does not regulate a cycle (generally), but instead stops cycles and gives 'false' periods. it simply removes the symptoms without addressing the cause. Also, doctors notoriously avoid the patient's inner wisdom or intuition, which charting and contemplation will help you develop.

so, along with the charting, i recommend checking out Susun Weed's messageboards. Susun Weed is an herbalist who teaches others to be herbalists. She's all about women's natural health and only using western medicine when necessary. The path to her messageboards is . you will be able to ask questions there and they may be able to help.

There's also a book by her called Wise Woman's Herbal for the Child-Bearing Year. I bring this up not because i think you should have a child, but because the book focuses on herbalism for developing and maintaining healthy fertility (and therefore menstrual) cycles. In combination with your weight loss and charting, you can begin to take herbs that support your fertility, which may help balance out your cycle.

All of this information will not only help you in the immediate of regulating your cycle, but it will connect you deeply to your body and your sexuality. you may find, like me, that you feel really empowered by these processes and the information that you're recording about yourself. If a parent or anyone else gives you trouble about it--i would remind them that knowledge leads to empowerment which leads to better decision making!


in the past or do you currently, you eat a lot of fast foods or processed foods? how often do you eat fast or processed (boxed, canned, packaged) food?

how many months have you had two periods in a month? how 'regular' is this (eg, one month, regular period, next month two periods, then next month two more, and then next month one)? And how long is each period? can you describe each of the periods?

are you sexually active?

Feel free to PM if you would like.

BTW, your picture is very pretty.
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Posted 2006-07-31 12:21 PM (#60524 - in reply to #60470)
Subject: RE: to many periods

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
ZB has a TON of knowledge and info about this stuff so by all means, listen to what she has to say. I am always curious when someone says they have "2 periods a month" because most women have no idea how to count their cycles and often think if they had one period near the first of the month and another near the end of the month, that is too many. In fact, if you count from Day one to Day one, a woman on a 28 day cycle will have "2 a month" quite often in any given year and if her cycle is shorter than that, it will be that way frequently. I think it is important to mention this. But if you are having 2 week long periods, you do have some issues to be addressed. I would still ask, however, is it really 14 days or is it that you start on a Wednesday and are still tapering off by the following Thursday? I don't mean to suggest that you don't know what is happening, but it is good to be clear. My husband will often try to claim he has had a cold or some pain (usually self-inflicted from sports ) for "2 weeks" when really it started on the Monday of his last work week and it is the following Tuesday now - that is 8 days by my count! Men can be such babies....

By the way, I have a 5'11" big boned (gorgeous ) daughter and I haven't known her weight since she was about 10 years old but I think she owuld be pretty happy at 175 or so.
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Posted 2006-07-31 10:39 PM (#60606 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

Well. for a while my parents only bought organic stuff, but then began gettin back into there old ways. we do eat organic eggs and organic milk. this stuff is straight off of a farm about ten minutes away form us. the lady just sells to a few ppl. and its straight from the cow and the same with the eggs. we do eat out alot. i am going to have a tlak with my mom and ask her to consider going completely organic and stop eatin out so much. i have already decided that I am going to. no i am not sexually active, virgin and proud heheh. um well i had two periods last month. it began at the beginning of the month, and then lasted about five days, and then the beginning of the last week of the month, i had a seven day one. i keep track of my periods, i always have, to make sure i was regular, and when to expect it. i jsut worries me so. but i think me losing weight and then eating natural will help. thank you ZB, you seem to have alot of knowledge. i appreciate it very much.
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Posted 2006-08-01 7:12 AM (#60632 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

i think that it will help, but i also think that you probably need a bit more information about it to be sure. this is why i suggest the charting. the process of charting is simple--it takes about 2-3 minutes a day--and it will give you a great deal of information.

I'm really glad that you are getting raw dairy (no pasturization) and farm-fresh eggs. this is really important. If your family eats meat, they should strive for pasture-raised meats, just to make certain that you're not getting any 'extra' hormones from the meat.

how much soy do you consume in an average day (including soy used as an ingredient in another food)?

how many months have you had 'two periods' per month? did you have any months with no period or just one period or a light period before or between any of these months?

can you tell me how many days it was from the beginning of one period to the beginning of the next?

can you tell me how heavy each period was? what color(s) it was?

what sorts of menstrual products do you use, including which brands?

A lot of these things will function by way of process of elimination. body temperature will give us a guage of your thyroid function in conjunction with your fertility process which will help us narrow down what's going on.

it is important to be a little more proactive about it than 'well, i think if i loose weight. . ." while i agree that this will be *very* important (it was for me, i lost my period due to mild hypothyroidism that lead to galactorhea--producing milk), it is also important to look at the overall system so that you can do things both physically and nutritionally to promote your health in specific ways that will solve this problem. For myself, because of my hypothyroidism, i'm able to remain unmedicated by avoiding certain foods (like soy), by doing certain yoga poses to stimulate the thyroid on a regular basis, and doing other things in my lifestyle (such as cold-shower rinses)--all of which increases thyroid function.

through charting, we can narrow things down to a couple of ideas and from this, have an idea of which methodologies or actions to do and try (non-medical), and then if those don't work, enlist the help of specialists.

again, i highly recommend
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Posted 2006-08-01 10:25 PM (#60738 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

well. not every month is two peroids, this month has jsut begun so i dont know what will happen. i ALWAYS have a period, one or two, but always have at least one. its always jsut like my others, heavy the first three days and then meduim to light the next four days. its usualy a light red and then it gets brown near the end and at the begining. i usualy use kotex long and pads, and sometimes tampax tampons. but i usually use a pad. i hardly ever eat soy. ( i was gonna have tofu stir fry today but my tofu had gone bad). i hope i answered all the questions lol.
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Posted 2006-08-01 10:27 PM (#60739 - in reply to #60632)
Subject: Too many periods

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory....Irregular periods is caused from Liver Energy Congestion or Heat in the Blood. Although, it is better to get a full diagnosis from a trained TCMD. The article I pasted below helps provide some clarity that I feel is extremely important regarding the human body as a system, how the organs play a major role not only in just the Menstrual Cycle Function, but in every function within the body related to other organs and their function. These are alternative methods and solutions in balancing and maintaining your body so it can operate smoothly and the way should - naturally. I've never been able to get results from Western medicine, other than, here take these birth control pills with all kinds of side affects - call me in a month and let me know. Well, I would call after 2-3 days and say to hell with these side affects, I had one of the very best Western Gyn's in the world too.

Today’s women spend over one third of their lifetimes with menstrual cycles. Regular and healthy periods are what every woman seeks. In response to this perennial concern of women, gynecology and obstetrics comprise over a third of the theory and practice of traditional Chinese medicine.

Joan is a 31-year-old single mother. Her menses began at age thirteen, and she had irregular periods until she was sixteen. Recently, for eight months, her periods began to come early, eight to ten days before the expected time. She experienced heavy bleeding, with a sticky, purplish flow, clots and abdominal pain. Ten prescriptions of Clear Menses Formula, Qing Jing Tang, with slight variations and acupuncture treatments returned Joan to normal.

Menstrual disorders are varied: olyomenorrhea, polymenorrhea, menorrhagia, metrorrhagia, hypomenorrhea, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopause, premenstrual syndrome, breast distention, headache, mood swings, fever, diarrhea, vomiting blood, edema, dizziness during menstruation and other symptoms with menstrual cycles are common among women across cultures, across countries and across time.

What is causing my menstrual irregularities and imbalances asks the woman who suffers. Chinese medicine theory has several answers to this question, the most important of which are: emotions, diet; and imbalance or blockage of the internal organs (Zang Fu) and internal energy pathways (meridians). Each of the major internal organs is affected by a specific emotion, and each organ also controls one or more of the energy meridians. For example, the Liver is strongly affected by anger, and the Liver meridian encircles the reproductive organs. The Liver is responsible for the smooth flow of emotions and Blood in our bodies. When there is excessive anger, especially unexpressed anger, the proper functioning of the Liver is damaged. and many problems, including menstrual disorders, eating disorders, and depression can result. Worrying and excessive thinking can impair the proper functioning of the Spleen, which generates the energy (Chi) and Blood that nourish our reproductive organs. Fear is the big killer for our kidney meridian, which contains our vital essence. Vital essence is very damaging to the Kidneys, which holds our vital essence and genetic makeup. Disharmony of Kidneys, Spleen and Liver is therefore one of the key factors in menstrual dysfunction.

Unhealthy diet choices also strongly affect the reproductive system. Over-consumption of cold, raw foods and icy drinks can decrease energy flow, drain energy from the system, and over time will cause the painful blockage of energy flow and the accumulation of cold in the body. Eating a lot of hot and spicy foods, such as red meat, chocolate, coffee, fried foods, hot spices can overheat the Blood and cause the accumulation of Heat in the body. Unregulated emotions also contribute to Heat accumulation. When you look at our eating habits and stress levels in this country, it is easy to understand the prevalence of Heat and Cold pattern menstrual disorders.

In traditional Chinese medicine, the specific details of the menstrual cycle - duration, volume, appearance of flow, etc. - are only the surface phenomena. The underlying causes of menstrual disorders are dysfunction of the internal organs; disharmony of Chi, Blood and Body Fluids; imbalance of the Conception and Governing meridians; and irregularity of Kidney Essence.

In any type of menstrual disorder, blood is critical. For regulating the menstrual cycle, regulating blood is always necessary. Angelica, peony and rehmannia are medicinal plants which nourish the Blood and regulate the menstrual cycle. Angelica tops the list for gynecological problems. The "female ginseng" can tonify the female reproductive system, relieve menstrual pain, regulate the menstrual cycle, reduce premenstrual syndrome and relieve many symptoms of menopause. A research project on Angelica is under way at the University of California at Berkeley.

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Posted 2006-08-02 8:14 AM (#60761 - in reply to #60606)
Subject: RE: to many periods

you didn't answer the duration questions--how many days from the beginning of the first period until the beginning of the second one?

the brown situation may be an issue with the luteal or progresterone phase, and i would be interested to see if you're consistantly ovulating or not. but that can only be determined through the charting process.
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Posted 2006-08-02 7:00 PM (#60839 - in reply to #60761)
Subject: RE: to many periods

zoebird - 2006-08-02 8:14 AM

you didn't answer the duration questions--how many days from the beginning of the first period until the beginning of the second one?

the brown situation may be an issue with the luteal or progresterone phase, and i would be interested to see if you're consistantly ovulating or not. but that can only be determined through the charting process.

roughly 21-22 days. its usually one seven day one at the begining of the month and then a five or six day one the last week of the month
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Posted 2006-08-02 8:51 PM (#60843 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

that actually could be an ok cycle. i'll go and contemplate and look a few things up. cycles do not have to be 28 days or more. they can be fewer and not be unhealthy. but, i'll need to contemplate on this and study a bit to see.

the brown coloring does indicate that you are having a problem with the progesterone phase of your period. Do you start counting from when you first see brown or from when it looks like regular red blood?
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Posted 2006-08-03 6:53 PM (#60944 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

i start counting when its brown, because it always turns red a few hours later if not sooner
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Posted 2006-08-04 7:16 AM (#60977 - in reply to #60451)
Subject: RE: to many periods

ok, that makes sense. typically, if it's brown for a day or two, you don't count until it goes red. but, since it goes red within a few hours, it's the same day.

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