posterior irritation
Posted 2006-07-28 4:54 PM (#60147)
Subject: posterior irritation

Hello all,
When I sit for long hours my posterior(butt) starts to irritate and some times when I donot move my hands for some time they become numb. What is the reason for? Please tell me what should be done to resolve this.Will be of great help!!
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Posted 2006-07-29 10:47 AM (#60226 - in reply to #60147)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

Location: London, England
Hi there,
Go and see a doctor first, tell them about your hands, and then report back-these kinds of things can be serious, and it would be foolish to offer complimentary medicine when it could mask a disease that could progress before you get necessary medical treatment.
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Posted 2006-07-29 9:15 PM (#60296 - in reply to #60226)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

ahhh Nick,

Thank you thank you for an absolutely appropriate response to this chap.
Not that we'll always agree on the board but this isn't even about agreement.
So much nonesense tossed around here.
Hoping this chap listens to you and gets it looked at, but also hoping he or she doesn't wind up under the knife for some remedy but that they will get back to us with a diagnosis so we may direct them more appropriately.

Nick - 2006-07-29 7:47 AM

Hi there,
Go and see a doctor first, tell them about your hands, and then report back-these kinds of things can be serious, and it would be foolish to offer complimentary medicine when it could mask a disease that could progress before you get necessary medical treatment.
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Posted 2006-07-30 2:56 AM (#60315 - in reply to #60296)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

Location: London, England
Hi Gordon,
Something that was impressed upon me was that if symptoms are bilateral, then you always send to the doctor, in case the cause is a tumour in the spine. No need to be alarmed, it's just very important to eliminate even the most unlikely causes before we attempt alternative health in a case like this. It's more likley to be bad posture and sitting too long, which would explian the sore bum as well.
I agree that there is a fair degree of nonsense tossed around here, 99% of it is well-meaning, but I have seen a fair number of recommendations which could even be fatal if the advice was followed. I believe that in the future, there will be a steep rise in litigation resulting from faulty teaching in yoga classes. I think this may even be a factor in the mistrust of western medicine that is common in alternative health circles. I have personally been in yoga classes on countless occasions where I could stand outside the class and ask, for instance, ''have you been experiencing neck pain after shoulderstand or headstand?" If I got a positive answer, I could then build a massive case against the teacher which would be supported by expert witnesses such as orthopaedic surgeons and back experts. It will not be too long before this happens in real life-there's too many people out there who are waiting to pounce on the chance to litigate, and yoga is such a good opportunity to get instructions wrong anatomically, especially with the faulty ambitions that teachers and students often possess, that the lawyers will regard this as an huge, untapped area of wealth. Scary stuff!
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Posted 2006-07-30 1:10 PM (#60389 - in reply to #60315)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Fatal? Surely you jest - or overstate, at least.
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Posted 2006-07-30 1:23 PM (#60395 - in reply to #60147)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

I've been thinking about that myself, Nick. I would never sue a yoga instructor, but, here in the US, personal injury is a way to make a second income. And, given the lack of education of yoga instructors, it's a receipe for disaster.

Here's what I predict: people will have to be truly certified or even licensed to legally teach yoga. Massage therapists and PTs have to be licensed.

There should be didactic as well as clinical training. And continuing education.
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Posted 2006-07-30 1:35 PM (#60399 - in reply to #60389)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

Location: London, England
Hi Glenda,
No joking-Ive seen a few potentially lethal peices of advice, but more commonly, advice based on a presumption of anatomy which is simply untrue, leading to a higher incidence of injuries and a worsening of performance.
Most of the lethal ones are surrounding headstand and shoulderstand, and I've almost given up trying to alert people to the dangers of these postures.
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Posted 2006-07-30 1:39 PM (#60401 - in reply to #60395)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

Location: London, England
Hi Fifi,
The trouble is, it takes a long while to become even halfway proficient at A&P, so you would be talking about several years-and then yoga teachers would have to be paid much more highly to recompense them for their expertise, costs of training, which would be 10's of thousands of dollars. It's tricky
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Posted 2006-07-30 2:19 PM (#60409 - in reply to #60147)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

you's right about that. Good point.
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Posted 2006-07-30 5:35 PM (#60425 - in reply to #60315)
Subject: RE: posterior irritation

UI try not to include the words "always" and "never" in my vocabulary.
But I understand your point and erroring on the side of caution is frequently appropriate.

Nick - 2006-07-29 11:56 PM

... always send to the doctor...
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