rheumatoid arthritis
Posted 2005-09-08 1:33 PM (#31281)
Subject: rheumatoid arthritis

Seems strange to post this in the general wellness forum...but

Remember all my whines and complaints about my hips not opening and how absolutely frustrating it has been. I have been working on my hips now intensively for over one year and they are still frozen! Well as a side note my feet have also been hurting and every morning they are stiff . Forget running.
So I asked to get some labs drawn and low and behold I have rheumatoid arthritis. sh@* !
Now the process begins of what the heck to do about it. Yoga is tops on all info regarding maintaning what ya' got going for you now.

So I am morbidly depressed but will survive.

It pays to listen to your body. pays better if you listen to it sooner and act instead of react. Pays even better if you are proactive..
Anybody know anything about RA. Things like diet changes????
Diagnosis does help the other witchy complaints I have like fatigue, back pain, wrist pain. I was chalking all that up to being old and sedentary
Thanks so,
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Posted 2005-09-08 7:14 PM (#31317 - in reply to #31281)
Subject: RE: rheumatoid arthritis

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Oh Marie - that is hard news to hear! I'm sure you will get plenty of advice here that will be helpful. Regarding the hips - I have had psoas problems for a long time and have been doing a lot of the usual hip openers. But I am now getting ready for assessment and have to train to hold standing poses for a minute each side. since doing 5 poses per day for the past week, lo and behold, my psoas is not so painful! It used to drive me nuts when any student asked my teacher "what poses for problem xyz?" and she would ALWAYS say "standing poses"! But I am beginning to think she was right...
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Posted 2005-09-09 6:40 AM (#31349 - in reply to #31317)
Subject: RE: rheumatoid arthritis

I'm sorry to hear this. My mother has severe osteoarthritis and can't take anti-inflammatories any more as they upset her stomach too much. She relies now on plentiful rest at regular intervals, keeping her weight down and using a cocktail of organically produced supplements she gets mail order from the Netherlands. I know ginger oil capsules are included, and cod liver oil. I'll try to remember to ask her for the full list and the mail order details for you.

When she could still take anti-inflammatories, she found that most are ok to be taken with Aloe Vera juice. The benefit of this is that the Aloe Vera protects the stomach lining from the caustic effect of the anti-inflammatories.

The Arthritis Care UK site has a useful booklet on rheumatoid arthritis :


You may find acupuncture helpful in pain control provided you can get a practioner often enough for your comfort levels.

Hope you get over the shock of finding this out soon.


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Posted 2005-09-10 4:43 AM (#31440 - in reply to #31281)
Subject: RE: rheumatoid arthritis


I'm sorry to hear about the diagnosis as well ( I can certainly empathize with unwelcome diagnoses). . .Has your doctor offered you any medications? While NSAIDs can help with pain, they don't usually help with preventing RA progression (the inflammatory process is different from that in osteoarthritis). However, if you are taking an NSAID and you do have stomach problems, a proton pump inhibtor (ie Aciphex) can help. If you decide to go on corticosteroids, make sure your bone density is being monitored (osteoporosis can be a side effect of corticosteroid therapy).

This article might be helpful:

Sticking with yoga is a great idea as keeping the joints moving will help!

Dietwise. . .cod liver oil and omega-3 fatty acids (high in fish, flax seeds) have been reported to reduce RA symptoms.

All the best to you. . .

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