Want to reduce Global Warming?
Posted 2005-07-12 8:50 AM (#27158)
Subject: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
This is interesting from Hindu Press Int'l. Getting everyone to do this is like telling Bruce Bhai he can't drink no more Guiness and has to do Savasana with Om's and Incense...but, what if it were true...how many of us could or would make the sacrifice?? I remember hearing my Chinese Doctor telling me that in China 20 or so years ago the government controlled the food. Chicken was something you got on very special occasions like Chinese New Year. I wonder what would happen if our governments started doing the same? I'd have to vote for all natural, organic and would not settle for anything less!! In the not so distant future there will be some drastic changes in how we do things on this planet, we won't have a choice.

LONDON, ENGLAND, July 10, 2005: Global warming could be controlled if we all became vegetarians and stopped eating meat. That's the view of British physicist Alan Calverd, who thinks that giving up pork chops, lamb cutlets and chicken burgers would do more for the environment than burning less oil and gas. Writing in this month's Physics World, Calvert calculates that the animals we eat emit 21% of all the carbon dioxide that can be attributed to human activity. We could therefore slash man-made emissions of carbon dioxide simply by abolishing all livestock. Moreover, there would be no adverse effects to health and it would be an experiment that we could abandon at any stage. "Worldwide reduction of meat production in the pursuit of the targets set in the Kyoto treaty seems to carry fewer political unknowns than cutting our consumption of fossil fuels," he says.

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Posted 2005-07-12 9:11 AM (#27164 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

This argument seems to be put from time to time but always seems to be disproved with the next research. Unfortunately I can't remember the arguments now though.


I think we could best cut gas emissions by getting the world's politicians to stop talking and start doing!

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Posted 2005-07-12 9:44 AM (#27167 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

What's happening to the world literually i mean Edmund Hillary, the first climber to conquer Mount Everest with his Sherpa guide, on Monday urged that the world’s highest mountain be placed on the United Nations’ list of endangered heritage sites because of the risks of climate change.
Himalayan lakes are swelling from the runoff of melting glaciers, environmental campaigners warned as the 29th session of the U.N. Environmental, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s World Heritage Committee got under way in Durban.

The warming of the environment of the Himalayas has increased noticeably over the last 50 years. This has caused several and severe floods from glacial lakes and much disruption to the environment and local people,” Hillary said in a statement. “Draining the lakes before they get to a dangerous condition is the only way to stop disasters.”

What is happening here is it all the pallution what ???

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Posted 2005-07-12 10:23 AM (#27170 - in reply to #27167)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

From what I remember from my minor in Oceanography, the earth's most common state over the millenia has been without ice caps at the poles. Technically, we're still in an inter-glacial period, i.e. we're still in the last Ice Age, as we still have ice at the poles. The cycles of freezing and warming are related to the erratic orbit of the earth around the sun and the changes in angle of the Earth's axis. These changes mean that certain times in Earth's history, we have been closer or further away from the sun. This has been ascertained by looking at the relative ratios of the two isotopes of oxygen present at different levels in ice core samples taken from those parts of the world with permafrost. The less common isotope is present in greater quantities when temperatures have been lower at the time the ice was deposited. What is different this time is that the earth is warming up faster than on previous occassions.

The evidence now strongly indicates that man's activities are to blame. When we burn fossil fuels or otherwise release certain chemical types (e.g. CFCs, CO2), the composition of the air changes. These changes have two effects broadly speaking. The first is that heat generated on the Earth's surface does not dissipate into space as freely. The second is that more UV radiation reaches the Earth's surface from the sun. The nett effect is that the planet heats up.

This situation is aggrevated by wide-scale deforestation as plant life absorbs free CO2 and locks the carbon away. It is thought that pollution of the world's oceans is also causing more carbon to be in it's free forms as pollution affects the amount of phytoplankton. As phytoplankton forms the bottom of the food chain, this means that there is less life as a whole present. As life locks up CO2 and other free forms of carbon, guess what, this means more global warming!

There are many, many similar interactions between the oceans, the atmosphere, and life on Earth. The quantity of these interactions makes it very difficult to model how the Earth 'works' and so, exactly what any one of man's activities is responsible for what effect. Most scientists now agree that we are cr@pping on our own doorstep and just argue over the size of the heap Unfortunately, certain top politicians are still refusing to accept it's man causing the problem so won't sign their countries up to environmental targets designed to cut emissions and so, hopefully reduce the rate of heating (reversal's going to take longer than most of us will live, let alone the longevity of the average political term). Personally, I think they are missing the point. It doesn't really matter to what extent man is fouling his nest, as a basic principle we should have more respect for ourselves and the rest of life on Earth and not leave our mess lying around. After all, you don't let your kids off from cleaning their room just because you don't have to sleep in it.


Edited by Orbilia 2005-07-12 10:29 AM
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Posted 2005-07-12 2:08 PM (#27198 - in reply to #27170)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Fee, this issue is a very complicated one and it takes sooo long to discuss. But, I really believe that if our society and culture's were say "enlightened", we would not have these problems at this level and we would ALL find a way to protect and guard this planet. Unfortunately, we have not united as a planet to resolve these issues, and until we do, we are losing it....we are losing our right to be here on the earth. The good news about the earth is that she will sustain herself and recycle "us"...the bad news for us...is that we humans will not be able to survive Mother Earth's wrath...at least most of us. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out...our leaders are in DENIAL about it because of their greed and ignorance about Nature and they've set themselves up to depend on the earth's resources. Well the resources will run out and then they will just find another way to survive and they won't care about their losses....it's really stupid and the powers that are in control....they don't care about the future...they are only looking at short term...not long term in the future...they don't believe in that. It's also about many other things too, but you get the jest of it.
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Posted 2005-07-12 2:25 PM (#27201 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

i hope the world will stop fighting and come togeather maybe then we can fine cures and new stuff that can help us
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Posted 2005-07-12 2:29 PM (#27203 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Not to devalue the very valid points being made here, but wouldn't we produce a lot less pollution if we quit driving SUV's?

The U.S.A. is repeatedly recognized for being one of the top polluters and contributors to global warming. Do we really eat THAT MUCH more meat than the rest of the world? Or is it that most of us just have to have 3 or 4 gas-guzzling trucks and sport-wagons in the driveway? Present company excepted, of course. Everyone knows that yogis only ride bikes or drive hybrids, right? With recycled tires and environmentally-friendly paint.

Of course I could be way off on this, maybe it IS the meat . . . after all we do like large portions around here! No small beef patties for us, only triple-quarter-pounders with cheese (hey, my brother eats those)! And this WAS a report from the U.K. - do they realize how big our cars are? Have they seen the Ford Escalade? That thing is a monster.
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Posted 2005-07-12 4:36 PM (#27209 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

is it a great sacrifice to give up meat?

i don't think so.
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Posted 2005-07-12 6:12 PM (#27215 - in reply to #27203)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Hey - watch it on the SUV thing! It is one generalization that gets my back up. My DH drives an SUV because he NEEDS it. His job requires a vehicle that can carry tonnes of computer equipment plus he usually takes along his mountain bike, road bike, kayaks, canoes, running gear and/or a gaggle of friends to do all that exciting stuff. Why doesn't anyone ever b*tch about mini-vans? We have families at my school who have two of them, all loaded up with car seats and enough juice boxes and toys for the whole school. And I'll bet their gas mileage is worse than our SUV...

I get a little defensive whenever the average householder is "blamed" for pollution, waste etc. Yes, there is a lot we can do and a lot of us are doing the best we can to get "green" and be better caretakers of the planet. We rarely seem to go after the big guys - the REAL heavy polluters and wasters. I bought eggs awhile ago at Safeway. They came from ALBERTA. I live in BC on the coast. That is like getting eggs from Montana to truck out and sell in Seattle. Crazy! The cost in environmental terms is absolutely absurd. I know we have enough local farms to produce eggs for my area. And you gotta figure they probably grow an egg or two fairly close to Seattle. And if they don't, they should. Back in the 60's when we got McD's in town, they bought all their meat locally. I remember watching our local butcher proudly making the patties with a fancy new machine he bought - so the local economy benefitted and it probably went right down the line to the closest beef rancher. Then some bright accountant got the idea to centralize and not only reduced the butcher's income but made a poor environmentl choice, as well. Some things have to be imported - we just can't grow bananas in Canada and I doubt there are many places in the US that can grow them, either. And let's not even consider the idea of doing without chocolate and coffee...

And waste is just getting worse and worse. I went in for a little medical test today and was appalled at how much stuff went straight to the garbage in order for me to have an IV. The nurse was wearing a plastic apron (reminded me of those awful plastic baby bibs from fast food joints) and they had a disposable cover on the pillows in spite of the fact that the cotton cover was removed and the pillow sanitized after each patient was done. There are studies now that are showing that using all this disposable stuff does not reduce infection rates any more than the old fashioned sterilization did so it is just waste, plain and simple. And this is in "aware" N. America. I hear it is worse still in 3rd world countries

So while I agree it is important to do what we can, we really need to call the big corporations to task and make sure they start getting the message that we want to buy locally and from companies that value eco-friendly practices. They ARE beginning to make less-polluting cars using fewer raw materials because of consumer pressure. We won't be able to get a hybrid next because the hybrid Escape is built on a car chassis and will frankly not stand up the the mileage on and off road that Mr. tourist puts on his cars. (He has had a few small cars that he pretty much drove into the ground - it was like giving an elephant sized task to a little pony. The poor little things. If they could have committed car-acide, I'm sure they would have! ) But we are looking at the Subaru SUV's because they can do the job, get better mileage and last as well as the big Explorer. There is no use just buying "disposable" cars every couple of years and making more fodder for the landfills. And no more eggs from Safeway! I'll go to the store tha buys locally or go back to driving out the farm and getting them there. But.... then I am polluting by all that extra driving....you can't win really, can you?
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Posted 2005-07-12 6:18 PM (#27216 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

well Meat is ( in my family) a cultural thing ( Cuban) EVERY MEAL has a form of meat in it. during Xmas we'd roast a whole pig.  Im not as big a meat eater as i used too.but i can see how in a culture where food is so BIG giving up meat would be hard. In my eyes giving up suv's would be easier.
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Posted 2005-07-12 6:33 PM (#27220 - in reply to #27216)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Oh yeah - the meat thing... I read somewhere that the world actually would not be able to sustain everyone as a vegetarian. Not enough land in the right places to grow enough grains, soy etc. I don't remember the source so it could be junk science, but it is interesting to think about. For someone who defends her right to eat meat regularly here, I should qualify by adding that I really don't eat much of it either, mostly due to my digestive issues. But lately I have been very into really nice ham from the deli - yummy!
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Posted 2005-07-12 6:45 PM (#27222 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

i think that for most people in the west at least, meat is a big cultural thing. i know it's common in my family.

if i can overcome my culture, why can't anyone else?

look, i'm just begging the question. i don't care if anyone eats meat and i'm inclined to believe that not everyone can be vegetarian for a number of reasons (food availability, personal biology and nutritional needs, etc).

i'm just begging the question. Cyndi wrote it as a 'sacrifice' or the article did or whatever.

I don't find it a sacrifice. Right now, it would be a 'sacrifice' to give up my car and go on public transportation. my commuting time would triple and i'd have to cut back on classes. so there ya have it. it would be *very* difficult for me not to drive. Perhap sin the future when i have my greasecar, all will be well with that.
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Posted 2005-07-12 8:15 PM (#27227 - in reply to #27222)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
zoebird - I agree! Giving up meat would be a cinch compared to giving up my car. My ten minute "commute" would turn into an hour and a half or more if I had to bus and walk. But where will you get fuel for the greasecar if nobody eats meat anymore???
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Posted 2005-07-13 8:57 AM (#27249 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

it's in my culture we like to make tamales and my family always like to barbacue and then my papa and mama make a tones of BEANS it's really good now...... i am hungry so bye ..
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Posted 2005-07-13 9:42 AM (#27252 - in reply to #27249)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
The BIG sacrifice issue...hmm what to do?? Well, if I gave up my car, I would have to walk at least 3 days to get to civilization...I would ride a horse, but some SUV would come along and knock me off the mountain, So, what I did, was I gave up the big Suburban (yes it was justified because I travel and take my entire zoo with me sometimes), but now I'm back to driving my car which I've had for 8 years, drinks less gas, but it can't carry the zoo. Poor Yoda, he takes up the entire back seat, he eats my ipod headsets and Rudraksha malas that hang from my visor when I stop to get gas or do a quick run into a store - IT would not be this way if I were still in my surburban...but its okay, we are adapting.

When I posted what I did previously, I didn't mean that we should all stop our lives completely and give up everything. I personally feel that it took many years to put this way of life into place and cannot be undone that simply. What I meant was looking at the future and as a whole group (the planet, the world, people) we should unite and look at ways to UNDO what we have done, make the necessary changes...but yet, be productive at the same time. Who knows what will happen, who knows if Mother Earth can sustain us at this point and how long she will continue, but we do have an opportunity to do something really major, healthier and for God's sake, we definitely have the technology to do it, we just have to get everyone off their stingy butts and stop hoarding everything and disperse our knowledge, technology, money, everything so that the entire world can benefit and so that the earth can be balanced. Also, if there are culture's that do NOT want to be a part of the technology, if they choose NATURE, we should also have respect for them to live on the earth in peace and in their NATURAL habitat's without any interference...which means we can't pollute the environment they need to survive.

Anyway, this is the most complicated subject on the planet because their are so many things that need addressing and unfortunately, these things are NOT being addressed properly, if at all and most of the leaders are selfish, self-centered, egotistical, and downright greedy and meanspirited...so because of that, it makes it very difficult to address without someone telling you that you are wierd and are a liberal (which I'm not any of those categories)...or worse, when people think you are into yoga, alternative things, or basically just NATURAL PERIOD, you seem to loose your common ground in this strange society.

Edited by Cyndi 2005-07-13 9:43 AM
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Posted 2005-07-13 9:54 AM (#27257 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?


it runs on vegetable grease. i don't think it would run on animal grease (fat). greasecar.com has more information.


guess what? my family BBQs too, and makes tamales (even though we're not latino/a or caribbean), and eats a lot of meat. It's a large part of 'my' culture too.

and yet, i still manage to do it. so, i think it's possible. i'm not saying you have to, or that anyone has to do anything, but that it's possible.


it is a very complex issue. i strive to do little things every day that will decrease my environmental impact in general, not just with global warming. there's a great book called Your Money or Your Life that is about simplifying one's life in a myriad of ways that saves money, is creates far less waste, etc. It's a great book. I haven't 'gone all the way' as far as the book describes, but i've been able to do some things that really make a difference.

For example, those cholox wipes are really popular. Well, instead of buying those for 'quick cleaning' i learned from a cleaning book (from the 50s or whatever) that i could use a vinegar and water mix in a fancy little jar or container and just keep a wash cloth in there. as long as i changed the mixture every few days (which only takes a couple of minutes) and change the cloth every few days, it's just as clean as using the disposable wipes. it saved me a lot of money AND it creates less waste, the chemicals for cleaning are less toxic, etc. So, it's cool things like that.

I think that if more individuals just did a lot of little things, it would be a start in the right direction. Then, people would start to come together and make big changes. It takes a little thing, a little change in habit, to get big things rolling, i think.
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Posted 2005-07-13 10:25 AM (#27270 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

I think most of us attracted to yoga probably try to do a little something everyday to be conscious of our environment. Remember when recycling was not the norm? I think it is fantastic that so many people want to buy the hybrids that there is a waiting list. We change slowly, us humans.

My sister is a lawyer for the Humane Society. She works with many animal activists, as you can imagine. Her question to them (not to be taken as glib) is this: If we were all to give up eating meat, what would we do with all the livestock? She says she has never gotten an answer.

PBS has a special on right now about the development of advanced civilizations. Very interesting. All of them, Mayan, Grecian, Roman, etc. advanced significantly faster than the peoples around them due to farming and domestication of animals. And that plays into providing excess food sources that allow for some people to specialize in trades, i.e. forging steel. Still need to watch the rest, but very interesting.
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Posted 2005-07-13 11:08 AM (#27276 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Just to touch back on the SUV issue (I know it's sort of off-topic but I want to rectify any possible offense).

Yes, some people do need an SUV or truck! 4-wheel drive is a necessity for some locations and lifestyles, and so is a big pickup bed. My dad has a big ol Dodge Ram and my mom has a Blazer (which she hand-painted purple and put flower stickers all over - don't ask). They live waaaay out in the country on a farm, and during Michigan winters could not get out of their driveway without those vehicles. Whether my mom should EVER take the purple-sticker-mobile out of the driveway is another question altogether!

On the other hand, my neighbor is an engineer and works in an office, and his wife does not work at all. They do NOT need 3 pickup trucks, an SUV and a sedan. Unfortunately there are a lot more owners like him than like you guys.

Didn't mean to make harsh generalizations there . . . some people really do need that type of transportation. But, there are not enough of them to justify the sales levels in the U.S.! Most of those vehicles are sold to suburban commandos whose most important goal in life is to have bigger toys than their neighbors. I've actually been asked to park my micro-machine down the block because it's Japanese and they didn't want to offend the other party guests ("We're Ford people here"). Shoot, I could park it in one of their truck beds and no one would be the wiser!

Also agree that we could all ride bikes and it wouldn't make enough of a difference if the big corporations didn't quit belching pollution into the air. They certainly make more than their share of mess.
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Posted 2005-07-13 11:45 AM (#27281 - in reply to #27276)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

You know what's really funny?? Is when an Corporate SUV person comes to the country and they have to drive it off road....they FREAK OUT!! I've actually heard them say, I can't drive my car on that road....I say, "Duh, you dingbat, what the he*^ do you think that vehicle was designed to do, LOL!!!!!!!!! It is so ridiculous to go to Buckhead, Atlanta, GA and see all these Hummers and SUV's...they don't have a friggin clue about what those vehicles are designed for...its all a show for the EGO!!! Meanwhile, me here in the mountains driving my car on my gravel road, pot holes and all, sometimes it scrapes, big deal. Sometimes I want to go back to the SUV, (husband drives the Grand Cherokee), but I really don't like having to spend $75 on GAS!! Anyway, my 4-wheelers get great gas mileage and I do use them in the winter time and they are fun,
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Posted 2005-07-13 12:20 PM (#27285 - in reply to #27252)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

I agree. There are a lot of little things we can all do :

Only have lights we're using on
Turn down the heating /air-con a few degrees
Use both sides of the paper in a notebook
Only use the water you really need
Fix leaking water pipes/taps, etc, etc

And remember re-use is more efficient than re-cycle.

For the rest, we have to pester our politicians, and vote with our feet and money commercially.

One thing I think is really cool is that there is a zero-emmissions electric small car on sale in the UK that is exempt from the Congestion Charge (a toll on driving in London). So, ok, it's not as fast/powerful as other cars but you get thanked for not polluting. A good partnership between the individual and government in action


Edited by Orbilia 2005-07-13 12:23 PM
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Posted 2005-07-13 7:00 PM (#27308 - in reply to #27281)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Cyndi - I love taking our SUV off road but honestly don't get the chance too often. A couple of years ago DH was in a big adventure race (actually, he did it a few times) up in the mountains. I loved being able to go up to the highest checkpoint with all four mountain bikes, a day's worth of food, spare clothes and all that loaded up in the Explorer. It was farm roads that washed out every winter - pretty rough! But I was able to get through and pass all sorts of folks in city type cars who were in ditches etc. I did like to "complain" to my team that the cd changer kept skipping on my way up there. LOL After those races the SUV always looked like they look in the commercials - covered with mud and dust and really happy
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Posted 2005-07-13 10:01 PM (#27320 - in reply to #27257)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

zoebird - 2005-07-13 8:54 AM


it runs on vegetable grease. i don't think it would run on animal grease (fat). greasecar.com has more information.


guess what? my family BBQs too, and makes tamales (even though we're not latino/a or caribbean), and eats a lot of meat. It's a large part of 'my' culture too.

and yet, i still manage to do it. so, i think it's possible. i'm not saying you have to, or that anyone has to do anything, but that it's possible.

TRU .... i have a question if you go hunting (which i did with my grandpa we killed a deer ....a baby deer )
is that illegal ?? Just wondering
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Posted 2005-07-13 11:31 PM (#27324 - in reply to #27320)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
You'd have to look up your local regulations. I think they are different in different areas. I'll bet you can find them online.
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Posted 2005-07-14 1:09 PM (#27354 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Do you mean "illegal" in the criminal sense or in the spiritual sense? In most states it's not a criminal offense to hunt, although it is usually restricted to certain times of the year. As far as spiritually, that's between you and your higher power . . .

A question for our cable-watching friends (sorry if this leaves out folks outside the U.S.): has anyone been watching the show "30 Days" on the FX channel? It is produced/hosted by Morgan Spurlock, the guy that made the Supersize Me film. The premise is, it takes people out of their element for 30 days and makes them experience a completely different lifestyle. Last night, it showed a pair of city-dwellers transplanted to an "off the grid" commune called Dancing Rabbit. They created all their own power, grew all their own food, recycled their own manure even. It was very interesting!!

Also it throws in interesting tidbits about the subject at hand, so last night I learned about a dairy farm that converts all the cow-pies into power. The farmer not only makes enough power to run the whole farm, but enough surplus power so that the electric company pays him a dividend each month! Neato!
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Posted 2005-07-14 1:12 PM (#27355 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

I almost forgot, the hippies (I mean environmentalists) had a greasecar too! They showed the city people how to make one, unfortunately not in enough detail for us to run out in the driveway and convert our little Mitsubishi. They also sent the city folks out to strain the vegetable grease from local restaurants to keep the cars powered up. They were pretty grossed out by the grease straining process (it may be a while before they order french fries again!) but were suitably impressed by the vegetable-oil-powered car!
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Posted 2005-07-14 4:08 PM (#27368 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

arent manual car better? the reason i went through the pain of buying one and learning how to drive it was b/c i was lead to believe that they need less gas and pollute the air less. .....also they go alot faster quicker but thats a different subject all together :-

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Posted 2005-07-14 5:58 PM (#27374 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Some get better mileage and some don't. As a rule, they usually do. Depends on whether the manufacturer has overdrive built in. Our Scion xB (manual) gets the same mileage as the automatic version, because the automatic has overdrive built in and the manual does not - once it gets up into 5th it just stays there. So for that model, it gets about 31mpg city, 35 highway in both manual and automatic. With a 1.5 liter engine it's not going to go very fast regardless! But it's cheap and cute so we've forgiven its lack of awesome power.
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Posted 2005-07-14 10:59 PM (#27400 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

I just need to throw in my 2 cents. Someone mentioned that give up their car would increase commute time because they'd either have to walk or take the bus. Then, the conversation turned to grease cars. Why don't people ride bikes anymore? If you live close to work, it's a pretty quick way to get around, gets you outside for quality alone time/people watching, and it's exercise!
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Posted 2005-07-15 10:20 AM (#27420 - in reply to #27400)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Good point, jbean. I know quite a few people who do commute by bike. Since I live in a mild climate that is possible. Personally I have never found a comfortable bike seat, have far too much to carry on a bike many days and I'm just too darn lazy Plus - no shower at work
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Posted 2005-07-15 11:11 AM (#27423 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

I live about 20 miles from work, and my husband lives 40 miles from his office. Michigan only has nice weather about 4 months out of the year, too!
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Posted 2005-07-16 9:28 AM (#27461 - in reply to #27400)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Here in SAT I would be run over biking to work and would be a sweatball from the sauna like conditions here at present. No shower at work and I even sweat at work. I have thought about it many times since I do not live very far from my place of employment
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Posted 2005-07-18 12:09 PM (#27554 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

lots of good stuff here.

if i took the bus, my two hours of commuting would triple. If i wrote a bike, it would take me 5 hours to get everywhere. To get to some of my classes walking, it would take a day. I just don't think it's feasable for me. this is why, since i live in an environment like this, i would prefer a greasecar. It would pollute less than my car or a bus, and the other two options (biking and walking) just aren't feasable for me (though i would do it).

My husband and i are talking about moving to an area that is more dense--basicly a city. We enjoy walking around cities and the convenience of doing so. i have a friend who lives in the city that i'm looking into, and she lives within a 5 mile radius of all 15 of her classes. She walks to each class (usually a mile between each or less). I would *love* to be able to do this. It would be my first choice (i'm not terribly fond of cycling). if the distances were greater (but not too great, as 20 mi takes me about an hour cycling), i would definately cycle as well. So, that's a big lifestyle change right there.

of course, where would my apiary go? ;)

i know people who live at Dancing Rabbit. I heard about the filming before it was finished and was very excited to hear about it. i like the show's premise a lot--and i think it's great business for the young man. congrats to him--woohoo! Anyway, it's a pretty cool place.

what else were people saying? oh yes, about hunting. ultimately, each individual has to decide what is right for them. personally, i have no trouble with a person hunting, or eating meat, or whatever else. i'm not involved in their relationship within themselves or with the divine. to me, that's between 'you and god.' but personally, i don't hunt. Also, hunting may be illegal--there are generally seasons, you have to buy permits, there are limits. if done illegally, it's called 'poaching.' in some rural areas, sustainable farmers and hunters are allowed to hunt 'as needed'--again, that depends upon the area, the law, and the qualifications of the individual who seeks to hunt this way.

i'm probably forgetting a ton of other things.
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Posted 2005-07-18 2:23 PM (#27572 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

hurricane emily is coming to parts of TEXAS and mexico yea hopefully we get some more rain in san antonio it's pretty hot and in the northside district most of grass are brown my dad's isn't our grass is spring green ........ there's those running , biking and swimming races for people 13-and up guess what i'm in it i've been practicing i hope i do good theres alot of people who join these races wish me luck i have to go to yoga class i woke up pretty late today so i have to go to the afternoon class bye

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Posted 2005-07-22 7:43 AM (#27926 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: ironic

so, yesterday, as i arrived at my last class of the day at the Y, i had a small engine fire! i don't know whatthe damage is yet--could be anything from a small fix to a new engine, which would mean a new car basicly.

sadly, i don't have the storage capacity for a greasecar, which would be my preference, so it looks like i'm shopping for a hybrid (assuming i'm doing the new car thing). wow! they're pricey! at least, a little richer than my blood!

ah well. . .there you have it. i think i prefer the prius. since it's the same price as the civic hybrid, might as well go with what i prefer to look at.
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Posted 2005-07-22 10:13 AM (#27936 - in reply to #27926)
Subject: RE: ironic

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Oh zoebird - what a shame! I had to replace the engine on my car last summer and it was $$$ We'll keep our fingers and toes crossed for you that it isn't oo pricey!
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Posted 2005-07-22 8:32 PM (#27964 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

well, the insurance company has been called in. basicly, whatever the repair costs, it will only cost me $100. so, that's not bad. If they decide that the car is totalled, then they'll give me the value for the car that i can put toward a new car.

if i have to get a new one, looks like it's going to be the prius. I've called around and found some people who actually have them 'in stock' because they are the 'basic package' or standard package, and apparently everyone wants upgrades. I am happy with the standard package. they're holding the cars for me until monday, since the insurance and the estimate haven't come back yet. i should know by then. It's nice to know, though that i could have a car soon--since there's generally a back order on hybrids.

of course, i don't really have the money for a $20K car, but since my inlaws bought my SIL and future BIL new cars (because he gave his to drug dealers to joy ride and both cars were ruined), so that they could 'pay them back at a more reasonable rate' we figured that it wouldn't be too much to ask for the same treatment--if necessary. So far though, the dealership is willing to work with us, which is pretty cool.

i am kinda hoping for my old car though, ebcause i want my next one to be a greasecar. seriously. or jusst a deisel engine so that i can make my own BioDiesel 100 and gas it up with that or BioWilly (named after willy nelson--B40 which is 40% alternative sources, 60% gasoline).
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Posted 2005-07-23 11:44 PM (#28033 - in reply to #27964)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
What I would like to know is how the insurance company got involved?? Like how did you get them to cover this type of expense...I thought insurance was for accidents? The only time I got something unusual covered was a windshield when I drove by a golf course and a ball smacked it really good causing a major crack. They came to my office and did in the parking lot - didn't charge me a dime. Had a great comprehensive policy on that vehicle.
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Posted 2005-07-24 12:26 PM (#28045 - in reply to #27158)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warming?

i called the insurance company. this was a sort of 'no fault' scenario and ti's part of the reason why we have auto insurance. i've also called them in for a hit-and-run accident that happened to me, and they covered costs then.

on a good note, how's this for nuts? the total cost for repairing my car: $205.67. WOOHOO! so, the insurance company isn't going to cover any of it, since it's a cost that i can afford. no problem there.

next week, inspection, oil change, and new struts (it is a7 yr old car). That will be over $1000, but what the heck! i knew it was coming and saved up for it. My usual mechanic is so great. these guys seem pretty good too, though. ah well, i get tons of discounts from my usual guys, because we give so many referals.
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Posted 2005-07-24 12:32 PM (#28047 - in reply to #28045)
Subject: RE: Want to reduce Global Warm

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Oh that is GREAT news! As exciting as it is to think of getting a new car, especially if you could go a bit more "green" with it, it is nice to not have to spend all that money!
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