Conquering eating obessions
Posted 2005-05-20 8:33 AM (#24452)
Subject: Conquering eating obessions

Hi everyone. I'm 21 and have a bit of an obsession with what I eat, how much I eat etc. Since the age of 15 I've wanted to lose weight (as do most young girls!) Although in the past I have resorted to bingeing and then purging (though this was when I was 15 and I stopped it very soon as I realised what I would end up doing to my body thankfully. Now however I go through phases of eating incredibly healthy-not low fat but just a very balanced diet-and healthy amount of exercise. Then it's like something changes in my brain and I almost need to self-destruct-I binge and will seek out the worst foods and almost force myself to keep eating them! Its mad! I hate myself for doing it. I've been told in the past that often people eat to suppress emotions in their stomach and I do have things in my past which could harbour such emotions but I really want to overcome this. What I need is some advice on controlling your mind without seeking professional help. I have seen therapists in the past but never have felt it's done much good. Would like to conquer this mind pattern myself and am sure I could. Anyone been through a similar thing and overcome it? It's so frustrating!
ps: I'm a healthy weight and although I still would like to lose a bit it's not my main concern here xx
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Posted 2005-05-20 10:04 AM (#24468 - in reply to #24452)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
You should go to the "New and in need" thread under yoga for weight loss. Empress Echo has posted some good resources available online there. Since you have been down this path a bit before, perhaps you will be able to see when you are getting into an area in which you will need professional help.
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Posted 2005-05-20 6:28 PM (#24492 - in reply to #24452)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obessions

Hi Pinyet,

I don't think you mentioned your gender in your post so please excuse me if I'm off base but do these changes coincide with your menstrual cycle? Do you have a heavy flow? Do you suffer with fatigue? Women usually tend to consume more calories with lack of rest and increased stress (like emotional stress or physical stress). I've heard good things from folks who attend Overeaters Anonymous. You don't need to be overweight to attend these meetings. People with body image disorders attend. People dealing with various "layers" of emotional stress attend, too. One more thing - you mention you're 21 y.o. Are you a student? The shear magnitude of studying at the University level can cause students to consume more calories than they need/wish. [the more the brain gets used, as in studying, the more fuel it needs] . I'm a big fan of the healing system of Oriental Medicine. Chinese herb formulas can really help to restore emotional balance, digestive balance and hormonal balance. Good luck in your journey
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Empress Echo
Posted 2005-05-20 10:57 PM (#24508 - in reply to #24452)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obessions

Hi Pinyet,

As Glenda mentioned, there's a lot of good information under the "New and in Need" thread in the Weight Loss section that wouldn't hurt looking at...

I'm a recovering bulimic, and I do understand your situation.  The website has a lot of great information, not only about anorexia and bulimia, but also binge eating and compulsive eating disorders.  Have you ruled out therapy completely?  Sometimes it can be as simple as finding a good therapist that you "jive" with.  I just went throught this myself and left a therapist who was quite good, but our personalities just seemed to clash & I never felt totally comfy with him.  I've got another one now who seems great, though I haven't seen her enough just yet to see how it will go.  I do encourage you to keep trying in that area.

As Fifi mentioned, hormones might have something to do with it as well - just something to consider.  But you mentioned emotional eating, which makes me think not.  Have you ever tried CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy)?  This therapy works by the theory that if you change your thoughts you change your mind, and how you feel, and has been shown to be extremely effective in all sorts of situations.  A great CBT book I'd recommend is "The Feeling Good Handbook" by David D. Burns.  Sounds corny, but really, truly can help you in just about any situation.  This book has a lot of exercises that help you change your mind, and thus your behavior.  It can be found on or at the larger bookstores such as Barnes & Noble.  Check it out!  This might help you beat the "mind pattern" you mention, without having to seek out a therapist.

Another idea is that when you are in your "healthy eating" phase, do you allow yourself the occasional treat?  I think that's important, because if you deprive yourself too much of the foods you really love, eventually you're gonna crack!  You know what I mean?  I do this myself sometimes.  If you can, every so often treat yourself to a favourite - if not necessarily healthy - food, in a small portion.  Maybe a candy bar or some ice cream - whatever you love.  Not every day by any means - just enough to keep you from going bonkers down the line

I think yoga can help you as well - have you been doing it long?  Does it bring out emotions?  I think it has helped me a lot in becoming more centered and balanced, though I went through a bit of a storm of emotions in the beginning that I didn't understand until I read some posts here & learned more.

Best of luck to you & feel free to pm me if you'd like to chat.



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Posted 2005-05-22 12:03 PM (#24528 - in reply to #24508)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obessions

I don't think my hormones have much of a role in it-although they do with lots of people-as my period (thankfully) comes and goes without me really noticing it! I will keep a check on that though.

I learned a little about CBT when I studied psychology so maybe I'll dig out some of my old text books on it...yep sounds like a good idea. I really think this is a learned behaviour-food has always been there for me and cheered me up, it's only been in my older years that it's brought me down pretty quickly also. I need to readjust that thinking. I will have a look at the book you mentioned Echo as i did go to Amazon and read the good reviews-I'm intrigued!

If anyone else has some advice or has been though similar emotions I'd love to hear from them as it's all well and good to have the tools but it's laying the foundations which is the hardest if you know what I mean and it's all a bit daunting! xx
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Posted 2005-05-22 4:03 PM (#24531 - in reply to #24528)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
"Older years"? Did you not say up in the first post that you are 21??? This is like the 5 year olds I see at work say "When I was a little kid..."

OK - I'll get over it I think....

Anyway, up until recently, if anyone had suggested I eat to cover up or suppress emotions, I would have said they were crazy. But my super-yogic powers are now enabling me to see a bit more clearly and yes indeed, there are times when I eat more due to emotions than hunger. And I'll bet a lot of others do as well.
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Posted 2005-05-22 4:58 PM (#24532 - in reply to #24531)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

Sorry Tourist-I revoke the word "older" and replace it with "more recent"! Very good point-feeling too old is another obsession and another forum!

Yes I think eating to cover up feelings is quite common-just wish I couldn't understand it! It's interesting once you start thinking about reasons behind certain behaviour though...
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Posted 2005-05-22 9:31 PM (#24545 - in reply to #24532)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Well pinyet, you have some personal work to do with eating and feeling old at the same time and at your age! I know there are techniques one can do without a therapist that can be helpful - journalling (and I mean journalling with a purpose, not just babbling on paper - although that is great, too) and list-making and such. I don't have titles of books for you - maybe someone else does? One thing I have found helpful is looking at the symbols in the things I find problematic. And you don't need to have an expert tell you what the symbols mean, they are personal and if you let yourself just go with it, you can probably figure them out quite easily. For example, I have figured out that when I dream about driving a car, it has a lot to do with how much control I feel I have over my life at the moment. Interestingly, since I discovered that, I have never had another dream where I was in a car that I couldn't control! And a few years ago I had an incident where I was VERY angry with someone and found myself drinking water constantly. I asked myself why and the answer was I was trying to dilute the anger - I didn't want to feel so mad! Once I confronted the person, the insatiable thirst went away.

As far as feeling old - my dear you just have to believe that you are right now at the very threshold, indeed the cusp of the best years of your life. Don't waste them with regrets or obsessions. Get on with it! Do the work you need to do, enjoy your life and gear up for a great ride. As someone who is speeding ever more quickly toward 50 (and loving it!) I strongly suggest you prepare yourself now because it just gets more and more interesting, with more challenges and side trips than you can imagine at this point. Work on your issues now while you are young and energetic so you can be strong and brave when you really ARE old Good luck!
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Posted 2005-05-23 6:09 PM (#24578 - in reply to #24545)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

Wow! It was so good to read your message before I began my day! Thank you so much-it made me cry!

And you're absolutely right. I'm going to print off what you wrote and stick it somewhere I can see it everyday-just to remind myself what's really important. I started today with a whole new perspective-not just with eating but with everything, (being more tolerant, less stressed, less obsessed!). So thank you again-your words made a difference. Now I just have to keep up the positive thinking!

Very interesting what you said about symbolism-one of those very obvious things which are easily forgotten. I'll have to keep a check on my dreams now! I have a bit of a history of hiding feelings and what I'm going through which goes right back into my early childhood. I believe I force food down to stop these emotions coming up-even though now there's nothing really there and its a case of old habits die hard! Need to change the thinking that's all, right?!

Anyway thank you so much again,
Becca xx
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Posted 2005-08-04 5:27 PM (#28885 - in reply to #24452)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obessions

Pinyet, you are my soul twin. I've been through the obsession with food, weight, and getting older since I was your age. I'm better at 35 than I was at 22 but I still have the issues. Birthdays are depressing for me. I obsess over food then I binge and eat things I shouldn't. If you need to talk, I'm here for you.
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Posted 2005-08-04 10:42 PM (#28914 - in reply to #24578)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

When I was in my teens, I went through something very similar and having been dealing with eating disorders most of my life. Everyone is different but in my case, a lot of things were changing rapidly for me (as they often do for many teens) and it seems that my binging and purging was the only thing that I was "controlling" in my life. Sounded silly to me at first but as I got older and had recurrances of that behavior through my twenties, I realized that it is true for me. It pops up when Other things in my life are spinning out of control. Crazy change=no control=lowered self esteem=binging and purging This is what my experience was. I find that I have the urges to this day, just now I know what is causing them and I can deal with it at the source.
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Posted 2005-08-04 11:15 PM (#28921 - in reply to #28914)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

Expert Yogi

Posts: 8442
Hayley - was your dance background any sort of catalyst? I watched my DD like a hawk when she was dancing but she was ok
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Posted 2005-08-04 11:28 PM (#28923 - in reply to #28921)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obession

You know I think that it definitely was a contributing factor (having to look at my body constantly everyday and competition with other dancers) but there were other things going on in my home and school life that really played a bigger part. I think that I was always looking to be loved and accepted. The teen years can be so rough. It is amazing how much guidance kids really do need...even if it seems that they have a good head on their shoulders.
You know, in the end, after I had done the healing that I had, the dance studio and the mirrors really were a solace to me. Somewhere I felt like i really belonged. Boy, when my mother and I closed our studio it was really one of the saddest days of my life. It had been my one constant.
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Posted 2005-08-05 6:19 AM (#28932 - in reply to #24452)
Subject: RE: Conquering eating obessions

i think that it may be helpful for people to consider eating disorders and obcessions from a different model than purely emotional-behavoiral, but as a direct chemical response to certain products. In light of this, i recommend looking up Food Addicts Anonymous and their work "The Body Knows the Way."

This book explains how some bodies respond to sugar and flour (refined carbohydrates) the same way that an alcoholic's body responds to alcohol--with a real, physical addiction. Think about it. Some people can have some alcohol--a glass of wine--and enjoy it's benefits and never be an alcoholic. Other people, though, from that first glass, begin a process of addiction (which has behavoiral components based on biochemical reactions).

the same may be true of many people's bodies, in response to refined sugars and flour. Consider also how ADD/ADHD is often 'managed' or 'controled' or even 'cured' through dietary restriction of sugar, flour, wheat (and other potential allergins), as well as artificial dyes, etc. They obviously have a strong physical--which leads to behavoiral--reaction to foods.

FAA takes the approach of AA and related organizations to help individuals overcome obcessive eating and eating disorders by looking to the biochemical process that is related to the behavoiral process. It's definately worth looking into!
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