homeopathic remedies
Posted 2005-05-04 10:26 AM (#23451)
Subject: homeopathic remedies

Okay, any homeopathic experts on this forum?

I have tried the individual remedies from the health food store from time to time, but never really got noticeable results. Right now my allergies are real bad, so I decided to try something new from Drugstore.com and it turned out to be homeopathic. I didn't read the fine print too deeply before ordering (I was at work and was trying to hide my internet shopping from my boss!) but it sounded like it wouldn't have harsh side effects so I decided to go for it.

Anyway, I just tried this stuff and I'm about doing backflips. My head cleared out COMPLETELY after about 5 minutes and my chest felt less wheezy after 15 minutes. I feel kinda weird though, and am wondering if I should have taken just one tablet instead of two. Now my nose is starting to run, but my sinuses still feel crystal-clean.

It's called Hyland's Seasonal Allergy Relief, and it contains Allium Cepa, Natrum Muriaticum, Histaminum Hydrochloricum, Luffa Operculata, Galphimia Glauca, and Nux Vomica. Anybody have any experience with this stuff? Anyone want to tell me I should have asked all this BEFORE I took the pills?
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Posted 2005-05-04 10:43 AM (#23453 - in reply to #23451)
Subject: RE: homeopathic remedies

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC
Acupuncture works for me!! and so does eating my honey. There is nothing like having my doc sticking my nose meridian points, located just on the outer side of the nose entrance on each side with a needle. Since I do this on a regular basis I don't have any problems and when this point is congested, you can literally feel it open up and I get immediate results. The diet is also another major factor along with the fact that the air is warming up and we are in a transition from winter to spring...its very hard for our bodies to adjust to this, especially when we are so busy and stressed (even good stress, doesn't matter). I also like Rabbit pose for this problem too! As for the remedies in the health food stores or over the counter meds....I think all that stuff is garbage. I would rather find the *truth* about what is causing my problem and find a way for my body to heal itself, rather than masking symptoms with cold remedies...whether they be natural or not.
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Posted 2005-05-04 10:51 AM (#23455 - in reply to #23451)
Subject: RE: homeopathic remedies

Unfortunately, the truth in my situation is that I should not be living with 3 dogs and 6 cats. But, they are my babies and I'd rather sneeze than give them up!
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Posted 2005-05-04 12:16 PM (#23460 - in reply to #23451)
Subject: RE: homeopathic remedies

I don't think that there's a nose meridien point for your problem, Jeans!

Sounds like you found something that works, though, and that's a huge plus with allergies! I never had them until I moved down South - and they cleared up as soon as I moved back to Chicago. They're miserable, aren't they? Let's not talk about the day I (without thinking) took 3 Benadryl instead of the recommended 1. Luckily I had nothing to do that day!

Cyndi, from my research into the topic (granted, it was a couple years ago), true homeopathic medicine does not work to simply mask the symptoms. For that, refer to the above Benadryl story! : ) Rather, it works much like a vaccine - by recreating the symptoms with a specific concentration the body will then learn to reject it. I don't know much about the drugstore homeopathic remedies, but a homeopathic doctor will ask question after question that seems unimportant but shoots to the heart of the exact problem. A sore throat that is worse in the morning needs a different treatment than one that worsens at night... I'm explaining this poorly, I know. It's like the saying "it has to get worse before it gets better". So, if 1 is the least painful, and 10 is the most: a sore throat that is a 3 at 8am and a 7 at 8pm will get a specific treatment that is geared to turn it into a 10 in order to stimulate the body to treat itself.

Or something like that. It shouldn't be hard to find a better explanation, but it was worth a shot.
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Posted 2005-05-04 12:41 PM (#23462 - in reply to #23460)
Subject: RE: homeopathic remedies

Expert Yogi

Posts: 5098
Location: Somewhere in the Mountains of Western NC

I live with Parrots, Dogs, Cats and Bees. Before Acupuncture, I did not live with animals, I could barely tolerate visiting friend's houses. After Acupuncture...NO more allergies. and Yes, there is a merididan point for the nose and sinuses...it works great. As for the homeopathic version, I gave up on that when it really turned into...instead of taking Western Over the counter medicine or prescriptions...it turned into taking herbs and tinctures which it eventually made my body resistant to, therefore, not giving me any results. Acupuncture and dealing with meridians is a totally different concept, but some consider it alternative and somewhat holistic. Good luck with your problem...just go do Rabbit and then savasana
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Posted 2005-05-04 1:07 PM (#23465 - in reply to #23451)
Subject: RE: homeopathic remedies

Thanks guys! I know what you mean about homeopathy, that is my understanding too. However, I didn't go to a homeopath to get this prescribed for me specifically, I just bought it off the internet!

One of my friends has a great acupuncturist, but she said for allergy relief you must begin with 3 days in a totally allergen-free environment. Since this would necessitate moving out of my house for 3 days, I haven't gotten around to trying it. But, I've heard good things and I'm not ruling it out.

I've also heard/read a lot that allergies are a reaction to the environment based on a non-robust immune system. So, if I were eating right, exercising every day, getting plenty of sleep and not being stressed, perhaps my allergies would go away. Maybe that's why the allergies don't bother me in Florida, the mere sight of a palm tree makes me feel all dreamy! I've definitely been exercising every day, but the breakneck schedule often results in no sleep and convenience foods. One day I worked 9 hours at the office, taught Pilates for an hour after work, then came home and had 2 beers and 2 hot dogs! DOUBLE OOPS! Just 6 more weeks of this and my total healthy-life makeover will begin!

Meanwhile, I was just wondering if anyone had experience with this Hyland's brand and their homeopathic remedies, positive or negative. Right now I'm pretty happy with it!

Three Benadryls! I'd be asleep for a week!
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Posted 2005-05-20 9:15 AM (#24462 - in reply to #23451)
Subject: RE: homeopathic remedies

homeopathic nasal sprays work pretty well.
also neti and nasya would help too.
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