Posted 2005-04-19 1:50 PM (#22385)
Subject: Help

I know it has been posted on another thread but hope I can get some more information. Guys, A few years ago I had hurt my hip so bad that it been dislocated on the right side. All the doctors, PT's, etc. reported me as I have a herniated disk or something. While I got to a chiro who reported that I'd been living with dislocated hip since my injury occured. (Thanks for all the doctors misdiagnozed me ) Anyway he put back my femur into the socket and told me to give it time and don't rotate backwards. Now it is 1 year that he told this. My lower back area feels better, but still painful. Do you think that yoga can help to relieve my pain? If so which postures would you recommend? Thx, Gery
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Posted 2005-05-09 9:08 AM (#23743 - in reply to #22385)
Subject: RE: Help

Hi Gery. I noticed none of the guys responded to your post, so here I am.

You are a fabulous candidate for massage therapy. You should seek therapeutic massage, not relaxation, and a therapist who incorporates stretching techniques. Actually, a good idea would be to call back that chiropractor, and see if they can recommend an MT for you, and make two appointments, one with the chiro and one with the MT, schedule them back to back. It's possible you'll need to see the MT a couple of times in a short period, but it definitely has potential to free you from the pain. And, for maintenance, you may consider keeping a regular schedule of massage once a month.

I am a massage therapist, so if you have any questions, let me know.
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Posted 2006-08-09 5:47 PM (#61324 - in reply to #22385)
Subject: RE: Help

Anyone who has a musculoskeletal system is a fabulous candidate for massage. Sorry to not have weighed in on this sooner. You're asking about yoga specifically. Okay.

Did you have an MRI?
I'm curious about a diagnosis that would be offered by an M.D. without such supporting pictures.
A herniated disk or something? Hmmmm.

Okay so you believe this to be a dislocation of the femur. And this was offered up by your chiropractor. We're there corresponding pictures to go with that diagnosis? Not that it's required, mind you. Just wanting a fuller picture.

Are you receiving regular chiropractic adjustment?
Have you been cleared for return to more strenuous activity?
What sort of lower back pain (currently) are you looking to relive via yoga?
When do you have it? When it is not present? How active are you right now?

A short answer is that yoga can, in some instances provide relief of pain both temporarily and long term. But there are sooooo many variables and your post isn't fully revealing about your current state. This makes giving you a direct answer problematic. A yoga teacher well trained in therapeutics can really help you with forward progress. A poorly trained teacher can hurt you. This is true of most modalities.

Gery82 - 2005-04-19 10:50 AM

I know it has been posted on another thread but hope I can get some more information. Guys, A few years ago I had hurt my hip so bad that it been dislocated on the right side. All the doctors, PT's, etc. reported me as I have a herniated disk or something. While I got to a chiro who reported that I'd been living with dislocated hip since my injury occured. (Thanks for all the doctors misdiagnozed me ) Anyway he put back my femur into the socket and told me to give it time and don't rotate backwards. Now it is 1 year that he told this. My lower back area feels better, but still painful. Do you think that yoga can help to relieve my pain? If so which postures would you recommend? Thx, Gery
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