Trouble Sleeping?
Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-04-23 4:48 PM (#5619)
Subject: Trouble Sleeping?

I often wake up during the night and have a hard time getting back to sleep, especially after evening Bikram classes which I do 2 times a week. I assume that's the cause (or the onset of menopause - yuk!)

Anyway, I have found that if I start thinking through the series of Bikram asanas one by one from the beginning as to what progress (or lack thereof) that I have made in each one, I fall back to sleep after a few asanas. Sort of like counting sheep, I guess. Counting asanas......
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Posted 2004-04-23 4:59 PM (#5621 - in reply to #5619)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?


I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I think it may be menopause. Before Bikram, I was hot-flashing and waking up in the middle of night regularly. After my 3rd week of Bikram, no more hot flashes and I sleep right through. Of course that's just my experience....your experience may be different.

We need to get off this topic quickly before Bruce accuses us of filling the forum with female stuff!!! Sometimes, I think it would be a good idea if men had a little taste of the ole' hot flash, just to see what it like!!!

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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-04-23 5:51 PM (#5623 - in reply to #5619)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?


I hate to admit it, but you are probably right. I'm 52 and I have been wondering when the big "M" would occur. I asked my doctor what the latest age was she had heard of for "it" and she said 53. I have been doing Bikram for about 7 months now but the waking up may just be coincidental. I also get "warm flashes" sometimes - not severe enough for me to think of them as "hot flashes". Oh well

Bruce - close your eyes!
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Posted 2004-04-23 6:46 PM (#5626 - in reply to #5623)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?

my wife is 52 and going through the big M as we speak...God help me and all those in San ANtonio. However, not being able to sleep may also be caused by the exercise in the PM--big study just completed on that--of course menopause doesn't help I'm sure.

And actually, menopause is a guy's revenge--FINALLY after all those years, we guys come into our own--looking all distinguished and stuff.

Kathy Ann - 2004-04-23 4:51 PM


I hate to admit it, but you are probably right. I'm 52 and I have been wondering when the big "M" would occur. I asked my doctor what the latest age was she had heard of for "it" and she said 53. I have been doing Bikram for about 7 months now but the waking up may just be coincidental. I also get "warm flashes" sometimes - not severe enough for me to think of them as "hot flashes". Oh well

Bruce - close your eyes!
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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-04-23 6:57 PM (#5627 - in reply to #5619)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?

Just so people don't think I am terribly dense, the reason that it is hard for me to tell if it's "M" is because I had a partial hysterectomy (took the uterus, left the ovaries) when I was 31 so without the menstrual cycle to deal with, it's more difficult to know what's changing. Sorry if that's too much info but we are all adults here so hopefully not.
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Posted 2004-04-23 8:43 PM (#5636 - in reply to #5627)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?

Actually, my wife has all her innards intact and is going thru an army of specialts, physical and mental, to determine if the onset of the big M is in process---I kid her that that her moods are not any different than they ever were--that doesn't go over too well--you'd think I'd learn wouldn't you? I thrive on conflict

Kathy Ann - 2004-04-23 5:57 PM

Just so people don't think I am terribly dense, the reason that it is hard for me to tell if it's "M" is because I had a partial hysterectomy (took the uterus, left the ovaries) when I was 31 so without the menstrual cycle to deal with, it's more difficult to know what's changing. Sorry if that's too much info but we are all adults here so hopefully not.
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Posted 2004-04-23 9:02 PM (#5639 - in reply to #5619)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?


I'm surprised the doctors can't give you a definitive answer. I started last year at the tender age of 43 just a slip of a child really! My gyno took all sorts of bloodwork to get to the answer, I was hoping the missing periods were stress-related but that dang bloodwork don't lie!!!

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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-04-26 5:11 PM (#5730 - in reply to #5619)
Subject: RE: Trouble Sleeping?


I only go to the doctor when I absolutely have to. So, I haven't gone and tried to get them to determine if I am going through "M". None of the symptoms I am experiencing are unpleasant enough to send me to the doctor. I'm mostly just curious about them. At the time I did ask my doctor, it was prior to having any symptoms so I was just wondering when I might expect them. It probably is menopause and I am just having an easy time - lucky me! I have no intention of taking estrogen, I will just go the herbal route if I can figure out when to start taking some!

You are awfully young for it. Hope it goes smoothly.
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