question for the group
Posted 2004-04-02 4:30 PM (#5081)
Subject: question for the group

I practice yoga with my friend and she has been having problems with her leg shaking uncontrolably when she does the standing head to knee..full locust and the the third set of the head to knee with streching pose (when both legs are extended strait in front of you). Is there any specific reason for this? Is she doing something wrong?

We have been doing yoga together for about 7 months we started with a class and now we practice at home. I told her about this yoga forum, but she does not have time to go online. So I told her I would post the question for her. I would appreciate anyone who can help with this question.


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Posted 2004-04-02 5:29 PM (#5083 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

I'm a 7 month Bikramite myself and I think you're friend and I are simply at the point where we're working hard on the leg extensions & thus the leg quaking. My teacher says it will pass as we grow stronger.

mtina63 - 2004-04-02 3:30 PM

I practice yoga with my friend and she has been having problems with her leg shaking uncontrolably when she does the standing head to knee..full locust and the the third set of the head to knee with streching pose (when both legs are extended strait in front of you). Is there any specific reason for this? Is she doing something wrong?

We have been doing yoga together for about 7 months we started with a class and now we practice at home. I told her about this yoga forum, but she does not have time to go online. So I told her I would post the question for her. I would appreciate anyone who can help with this question.


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Posted 2004-04-20 9:58 PM (#5549 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

My 2 cents again, but one instructor said my shaking legs were a sign of a 'breakthrough' in my body to the next level of the pose.

My legs used to shake during the Poorna Salabhasana (full locust pose) and I have since noticed that I have gotten better at keeping my toes and heels together during this pose..?

Everytime I feel that sensation of my legs shaking I make a point of holding through the pose ~ as long as there is no pain!

Hope this helps!
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-04-20 10:36 PM (#5550 - in reply to #5549)
Subject: RE: question for the group

How is your friend's caffeine intake? Too much can cause the shaking, too. I noticed this in Separate Leg Stretching in my am classes. It stopped after I cut back on caffeine. Same thing happens if I haven't eaten in a while.
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Posted 2004-04-21 7:31 AM (#5554 - in reply to #5550)
Subject: RE: question for the group

If I diodn't have copious amounts of cofee before going to class my legs shaking would be the least of my problems--I GOTS to have that drug of choice or I'd be in savasana the entire time I think

My Cats' Mom - 2004-04-20 9:36 PM

How is your friend's caffeine intake? Too much can cause the shaking, too. I noticed this in Separate Leg Stretching in my am classes. It stopped after I cut back on caffeine. Same thing happens if I haven't eaten in a while.
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Posted 2004-04-21 3:44 PM (#5565 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

I used to really notice my legs shaking in second part of awkward pose (pushing way up on the toes and bending the knees down into sitting position). As the posture becomes, well, less 'awkward', I do notice substantially less shaking in my legs (most days, at least).
I was told that shaking is a sign on strengthening, and from my experience it would seem that to be the case.
As far as caffeine goes, if I have ANY caffeine within an hour or so of class, my breathing becomes harder to control and I sweat far more than usual... tends to have a rather unpleasant effect!
...but after class is a whole other story.
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Posted 2004-04-21 5:51 PM (#5566 - in reply to #5565)
Subject: RE: question for the group

When I open my studio, it's going to be next to a Starbuck's...imagine the smell of freshly ground Colombian Supremo Popayan or Organic Papua New Guinea wafting through the studio during final savasana--the sweetly balanced roastiness and richly toned aroma filling the senses...ahhh, that's living!

mummy - 2004-04-21 2:44 PM

I used to really notice my legs shaking in second part of awkward pose (pushing way up on the toes and bending the knees down into sitting position). As the posture becomes, well, less 'awkward', I do notice substantially less shaking in my legs (most days, at least).
I was told that shaking is a sign on strengthening, and from my experience it would seem that to be the case.
As far as caffeine goes, if I have ANY caffeine within an hour or so of class, my breathing becomes harder to control and I sweat far more than usual... tends to have a rather unpleasant effect!
...but after class is a whole other story.
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-04-21 11:23 PM (#5569 - in reply to #5566)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Humph -- Starbucks. Would you at least consider opening up next to and independent, mom & pop type operation that has a flair for individuality and perhaps offers an organic coffee?
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Posted 2004-04-21 11:40 PM (#5570 - in reply to #5569)
Subject: RE: question for the group

New question,
Do you feel that coffee prior to class contributes to dehydration during class and a higher heart rate? I have noticed that coffee adds about 10 beats a minute to my heart rate. Imagine the bow with the additon of coffee. Maybe after class would be better.
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Posted 2004-04-22 6:59 AM (#5573 - in reply to #5570)
Subject: RE: question for the group

About 10 years ago, I went through the Air Force Survival school course. We spent quite a bit of the classroom time on the affects of hydration and what role coffee plays on it. According to research presented, coffee's affect was in a large part determined by what an individual was used to. When applied to yoga now, I kind of keep in mind that I am a bigtime coffee drinker. I balance it with lot's of water. That's my "norm" after all this time. If I were to cut out the coffee now, my norm would be affected and the heartrate would probably go up.

peggy - 2004-04-21 10:40 PM

New question,
Do you feel that coffee prior to class contributes to dehydration during class and a higher heart rate? I have noticed that coffee adds about 10 beats a minute to my heart rate. Imagine the bow with the additon of coffee. Maybe after class would be better.
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Posted 2004-04-22 7:01 AM (#5574 - in reply to #5569)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Gwyn, Gwyn, Gwyn...I figure the Starbuck's people have done a lot of market research and know about customer traffic--plop the studio next door and piggyback on their success--don't intend to be a poor yogi I thought Bikram's teacher training including a section in yoga business? Maybe I'll call shelley and see if I can be a guest lecturer

My Cats' Mom - 2004-04-21 10:23 PM

Humph -- Starbucks. Would you at least consider opening up next to and independent, mom & pop type operation that has a flair for individuality and perhaps offers an organic coffee?
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My Cats' Mom
Posted 2004-04-22 9:36 AM (#5579 - in reply to #5574)
Subject: RE: question for the group

From my favorite Dr. Weil, who I feel has a healthy, balanced approach:

• Caffeine and other stimulant drugs. These activate the sympathetic nervous system, which prepares us for emergencies, for "flight or fight" responses. Often these make us more jumpy, anxious and fearful, and interfere with relaxation, rest and sleep. Caffeine is in more than just coffee and colas – it is an ingredient of many over-the-counter and prescription drugs. If you want to lower your level of internal stress and develop your ability to relax and let go of external annoyances, a good place to begin is to eliminate caffeine and its relatives from your life. Because of their action on the sympathetic nervous system, all stimulants, whether natural or synthetic, or in the form of teas or pills, are obstacles to relaxation.

Do I drink coffee? Yes, about 1/2 shot of espresso every morning. Do I drink coffee before yoga? Definitely not! If I have an early yoga class, I either get up earlier for my coffee or hold off on it until after class.

And yes, I believe it would increase your heart rate during practice, Peggy, since increased heart rate and blood pressure is part of the "fight or flight" response, which caffeine activates. Think about driving down the road and suddenly an animal runs across the path of your car. You narrowly avoid hitting the animal. What would your body be feeling at that moment? Your palms might be sweaty, your heart rate would be going crazy, increased respiration. That is "fight or flight".

I know Bruce will have some funny comment about just running the animal over or something to that effect. My husband is convinced that is how I will die. Ramming the car into a tree while avoiding a squirrel.

Edited by My Cats' Mom 2004-04-22 9:42 AM
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Posted 2004-05-27 10:40 PM (#6923 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Nay, I Say;

No anything for 2 to 3 hours before a Bikram yoga class. Been to a 6 AM class, a 6 PM class, and in between. I still wouldn't put anything in my body `cept water before any of them. I've had bad effects doing otherwise on too many occasions to know what works for my body...which could be an experiment for you. Try out different 'experiments' until you find the right fit for your body.

- Kim
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Posted 2004-05-28 12:24 PM (#6926 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Shaking of legs:
This is a combination of two things. One is trying to exceed the capacity of the part involved beyond the current capacity. And, this must be done if you wish to make that part stronger. Of course, this must be followed by enough rest at a later time. Another reason is the nervous system is not well developed in that area, so when the movement is tried, the nervous system is taxed and the shaking occurs. If you focus inside, with relaxed mind, do the exercise within the capacity and a bit more, and then take enough rest. And, of course a good Vegetarian Diet. AFter several months shaking will reduce or go.

Whether Coffee causes a problem? Of course, coffee and any other thing which is not needed by a human body, including Garlick and Ginger, is called a drug, mild or strong. Any drug depletes nervous energy. Depending on how much energy one has, how much drug is taken in, and how strong the drug is, one gets an experience of shaking, no shaking, does not matters, can not sleep at night, and stomach pain, no pain, etc. Thus, one may consume a large galan of coffee with no current effect, and another can not tolerate a spoon of it.

Best Luck
neel kulkarni
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Posted 2004-05-28 12:28 PM (#6927 - in reply to #6923)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Lol! My Bikram teacher shows up for class with a fresh pack of Chips Ahoy (chewey) and seduces me with the rustle of the wrapping, the crackle of the plastic packing tray as it's slowly pulled out, the aroma of butter, eggs, and chocolate mixed together by a band of Kebbler elves...ah, that's the way to start class!
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Posted 2004-05-28 1:23 PM (#6928 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Buddy Bruce:
I just read your mail about moving your studio to Starbucks. Since, I can not do this, I am now going there to try the coffees you wrote, but in a limited way.
Thanks for making my weekend Memorial, sorry Memorable.

Brother Neel
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Posted 2004-05-28 1:25 PM (#6929 - in reply to #6928)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Atta boy Neel--have a Memorable, er, wait that's right, memorable Memorial Day--easy on the caffine.
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Posted 2004-05-30 1:47 AM (#6951 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

Neel, now you got me confused! I'm easy to confuse but anyways ...
Garlic and ginger drugs??? I was brought up with the belief that garlic is a guarantee for a long life and ginger is considered "the yogi's food". I guess it's okay for me to eat lots of garlic cause I don't ever drink coffee ... or tea ... no hot beverages at all.
So what about that?
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Posted 2004-05-30 11:26 AM (#6962 - in reply to #5081)
Subject: RE: question for the group

I'm confused as well...Ginger is fabulous for an upset stomach.

Are you meaning anything that is taken that is not produced naturally by the body? Or do you mean anything that is taken when there is an asana that can help?

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