Bikram resistance
Posted 2004-03-23 5:03 PM (#4787)
Subject: Bikram resistance

Somebody just tell me this is to be expected and it's part of the process....You probably already know what I'm going to say.

I like Bikram class, I really do..but lately.....I've developed this resistance to going to class. Instead of attending my usual Monday class, I push it to Tuesday, then Wednesday until there's no way I can get in 3 practices a week. When I'm in the class and after, I'm glad I came, it's just getting there that's the problem. I know my body hates when I only attend 2 times/wk instead of 3 but getting there is just becoming so.........psycologically difficult
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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-03-23 5:35 PM (#4788 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance


I used to have that same problem before I started Bikram when I used to try to make it to the gym twice a week. It seemed like I would latch on to any excuse not to go and procrastinate about going. That's when I decided I really needed to find something I enjoyed more, that I could look forward to going to instead of it being a "chore". I don't have any easy answer for you. Since I have been taking Bikram classes (about 6 months) I have been going faithfully 3 times a week except during the holidays when their schedule and mine didn't quite mesh and I really look forward to going - hate to miss if I have to for some reason.

Maybe you don't really like it as much as you want to think you do. Maybe you should take a whole week off and see if you really miss going. Maybe you just need to kick yourself in the butt and say "I am going 3 times a week, period, end of story". Or maybe you should try some other type of yoga, dance, etc.

I know some people sometimes get to a "plateau" where they do get a bit bored but you are relatively new aren't you? So, that is probably not it.

As the "Life is Good" t shirt company motto goes "Do what you like, like what you do".

I hope you can get in the groove to suit yourself.


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Kathy Ann
Posted 2004-03-23 6:01 PM (#4789 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance


I just thought of something else. It's a bit on the spiritual side so please don't feel that I am lecturing to you.

It has to do with gratitude. Try thinking about how fortunate you are to be in good enough physical condition to practice Bikram and to be able to afford it financially and have the time to go to classes. If you think of that as a gift that you are wasting by not taking advantage of it, maybe that will help. There are so many people in the world who suffer so much from illness, accidents, violence, war, etc. Try to put your own life in perspective and "seize the day"!

I will stop now, I promise.
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Posted 2004-03-23 6:03 PM (#4790 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

Kathy Ann,

You are correct, I've only been practicing about 3-4 weeks, that's why I'm so surprised this feeling has settled in so quickly. You may be correct, perhaps I need a swift kick in the pants from myself to get going.......sigh....
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Posted 2004-03-24 7:40 PM (#4812 - in reply to #4790)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

Hopefully Christine won't yell at me BUT, when I walked out of my first Bikram class, then returned the next day, my teacher said she was glad to see me back. I said I wasn't going to let it beat me. She replied, "Hey, it's only yoga--don't worry about it."

I've used that advice this week when I've had to work so much overtime--could NOT get to class and was starting to beat myself up. Hey, gotta do what I gotta do. So, after a week, I'll be at class on Saturday--no worries.

Tibard - 2004-03-23 5:03 PM

Kathy Ann,

You are correct, I've only been practicing about 3-4 weeks, that's why I'm so surprised this feeling has settled in so quickly. You may be correct, perhaps I need a swift kick in the pants from myself to get going.......sigh....
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Posted 2004-03-25 1:31 PM (#4826 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

it's so nice to see i am not the only one who gets that feeling. i did take the week off last week after what i deemed a really bad practice. i could not get up the gumption to return. this monday, when i returned it was fantastic. i was concerned that my body would have to readjust, but my body surprised me! it was like the body needed it all along, it was the mind that was trailing behind. now, i'm back in the swing of things and i love bikram again. i look at bikram like one would look at a relationship. you have good times and bad times. however, with a little perserverance and stick-to-it-tiveness you will rediscover why you fell in love with it in the first place! now granted, we who practice bikram are a bit masochistic, but it is worth it.
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Posted 2004-03-25 5:41 PM (#4833 - in reply to #4826)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

I SO want to say something about Bikram practice being like a relationship but figure it'll be offensive--so many witty things come to mind...

nanyamka - 2004-03-25 12:31 PM

it's so nice to see i am not the only one who gets that feeling. i did take the week off last week after what i deemed a really bad practice. i could not get up the gumption to return. this monday, when i returned it was fantastic. i was concerned that my body would have to readjust, but my body surprised me! it was like the body needed it all along, it was the mind that was trailing behind. now, i'm back in the swing of things and i love bikram again. i look at bikram like one would look at a relationship. you have good times and bad times. however, with a little perserverance and stick-to-it-tiveness you will rediscover why you fell in love with it in the first place! now granted, we who practice bikram are a bit masochistic, but it is worth it.
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Posted 2004-03-25 7:00 PM (#4841 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

Appreciate your responses. I noticed something this week that I can only attribute to my Bikram practice. A work colleague made me very upset last Friday. Usually, that anger would stay with me throughout the weekend and into the following week, affecting my relationship with that person. This time, my anger only lasted about an hour, enough for me to realize that I can't change this person and I don't want my entire weekend ruined by their shenanigans. When I came in Monday, I felt very calm and detached from my feelings (in a good way). I had no trouble saying good morning to this person and going about my normal work schedule. That is a first for me!........I'm thinking the Bikram may be responsible.....yet another reason for me to continue going on a regular basis.
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Posted 2004-03-25 8:38 PM (#4850 - in reply to #4841)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

Good for you, Tibard.

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Posted 2004-04-03 10:21 AM (#5094 - in reply to #4850)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

To me this sounds like youre having problems overcoming the resistance in the mind. These mind resistances are my worst forms of blockage too. For me I just have to remember that Im not my mind, Im above that & the rest of us parts will just get on with the daily practice we so enjoy. I usually tell the mind that its welcome to join in if it feels like it but quite frankly if its going to be a pain in the butt then it would be better off going back to sleep or whatever else it had in mind for the day.
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Posted 2004-04-03 12:20 PM (#5095 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

After practicing regular yoga for several weeks I decided to try Bikram off of a recommendation. I did very well in my one class. During the class I couldn't stop looking at the clock thinking "I got to get out of this heat" I was determined to go regulary however I could not pull myself to go back again. maybe I just had a thing with the heat. I decided to go back to my orginal yoga practice which I am quite happy with. Maybe in the future I will give Bikram another try

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Posted 2004-04-03 1:30 PM (#5096 - in reply to #5095)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

The heat is tough but I realized this week that, after 8 months, I don't even notice it anymore.

sqwiggy - 2004-04-03 11:20 AM

After practicing regular yoga for several weeks I decided to try Bikram off of a recommendation. I did very well in my one class. During the class I couldn't stop looking at the clock thinking "I got to get out of this heat" I was determined to go regulary however I could not pull myself to go back again. maybe I just had a thing with the heat. I decided to go back to my orginal yoga practice which I am quite happy with. Maybe in the future I will give Bikram another try

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Posted 2004-04-03 11:57 PM (#5098 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

I now look forward to the heat. Quite a change from when I just put up with it.
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Posted 2004-04-04 11:06 PM (#5132 - in reply to #4787)
Subject: RE: Bikram resistance

Resistance of he mind....hmmmm, I like that description Ed. I hope the resistance weakens as the weeks slip by...
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