Bikram and Breastfeeding
Posted 2004-03-12 11:22 PM (#4429)
Subject: Bikram and Breastfeeding

Can you do Bikram yoga if you just had a baby and are breastfeeding???
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Posted 2004-03-13 7:42 AM (#4431 - in reply to #4429)
Subject: RE: Bikram and Breastfeeding

Bikram is not a problem post childbirth; while breatfeeding though, it could be difficult in that you get very sweaty and could drop the baby cause you and the chiold would be slick and slippery with sweat.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Lori - 2004-03-12 10:22 PM

Can you do Bikram yoga if you just had a baby and are breastfeeding???
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Posted 2004-03-13 10:03 AM (#4433 - in reply to #4429)
Subject: RE: Bikram and Breastfeeding

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cheryl s
Posted 2004-03-13 2:33 PM (#4439 - in reply to #4429)
Subject: RE: Bikram and Breastfeeding

You can do Bikram while breastfeeding. Be aware that during exercise and for about two hours after, your breast milk will contain lactic acid which is not dangerous for the baby but he/she may not like it. My babies used to make funny faces when they nursed after I exercised. They got used to it though. I think the benefits of having a healthy, happy Mom would definitely outweigh slightly acidic breastmilk. Best of luck to you and know that BF is a wonderful gift to yourself and your children, as is yoga.

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Posted 2004-03-13 3:30 PM (#4440 - in reply to #4429)
Subject: RE: Bikram and Breastfeeding

Lori--I apologize for TRYING to be witty--you asked a sincere question and I was a wise guy--I felt bad all during practice. Luckily you were supplied an appropriate answer by one more sensible than me.

Lori - 2004-03-12 10:22 PM

Can you do Bikram yoga if you just had a baby and are breastfeeding???
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Posted 2004-03-13 4:15 PM (#4443 - in reply to #4429)
Subject: RE: Bikram and Breastfeeding

A note of caution:

As long as you're breastfeeding, you're producing a hormone called Relaxin. It's purpose is to loosen ligaments so your pelvis can spread for deliviery. It doesn't isolate itself, so it works on all your joints. You might notice your yoga practice is pretty darned good right now because of it.

The problem is that you can extremely easily hyperextend your joints without realizing it until later when the swelling and pain sets in. Bikram is fond of telling you to lock this, make that like concrete, reach/stretch, etc. Don't. Back off a little. MICRO bend your knee in standing poses. Don't go nutty in Ardha Matysendrasana making that bind so you can protect your shoulder. In any straigh-legged forward bend, make CERTAIN to keep weight in the ball of your front toe so you do not hyperextend that leg. Watch wide-legged bends and lunge things (like Triangle) so you don't hyperextend your groin. Keep "barbie foot" in Tree and toe stand so you don't whack out the acl and lcl tendons. Mindfulness isn't really taught in Bikram, so it's up to you to take care of yourself, even if it doesn't feel "bad" at the moment.

So although the issue is not that it'll bother the baby, you stand to do some unwitting damage if you're not careful.

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